History Ch 2

  • EIC Got The Charter From The Queen

  • The Company's First Factory (Banks of River Hugli)

  • The Company Started Fortifying

  • The Company Got The Zamindari Rights

  • Death Of Aurangzeb

  • Robert Clive came India at age of 18

  • Alivardi Khan Died

  • Battle of Plassey

  • Robert Clive led the Company's army again Siraj-ud-duallah at Plassey

  • Battle of Panipat 3

  • Robert Clive was asked to be Governor-General of Bengal

  • Battle of Buxar

  • Mir Jafar Died

  • Anglo-Mysore war 1

  • Robert Clive left India with £4,01,102

  • Anglo-Mysore war 1 end

  • New system of justice in every district

  • The new supreme court was established (Sadar Nizamat Adalat)

  • Robert Clive commited suicide

  • 11 Hindu pandits were asked to compile a digest of Hindu laws

  • Muslim code of conduct was compiled

  • Anglo-Mysore war 2

  • Tipu Sultan became the ruler of Mysore

  • Anglo-Maratha war 1

  • Anglo-Mysore war 2 end

  • Tipu Sultan stopped the export of sandalwood, pepper etc.

  • Warren Hastings went back to England

  • Trial of Warren Hastings

  • Anglo-Mysore war 3

  • Anglo-Mysore war 3 end

  • Anglo-Mysore war 4

  • Tipu Sultan died

  • The Nawab of Awadh (Shuja-ud-duallah) was forced to give half of his territory under subsidiary alliance

  • Anglo-Maratha war 2

  • Anglo-Maratha war 2 end

  • Anglo-Maratha war 3

  • Anglo-Maratha war 3 end

  • Rani Channamma got arrested

  • Rayanna got caught and hanged

  • Anglo-Afghanistan war

  • Maharaja Ranjit Singh died

  • Anglo-Afghanistan war end

  • Sind got annexed

  • Satara got annexed under subsidiary alliance

  • Punjab got annexed

  • Sambalpur got annexed under subsidiary alliance

  • Udaipur got annexed under subsidiary alliance

  • Nagpur got annexed under subsidiary alliance

  • Jhansi got annexed under subsidiary alliance

  • Awadh got annexed

  • The great revolt