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  • 1537

    principles of bosa

    principles of bosa
    In the main park of Bosa lived in early 1538 one of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the Muiscas.
  • 1538

    Tisquesusa is killed in facatativa

    Tisquesusa is killed in facatativa
    Tisquesusa is killed in facatativa by the soldiers. In this way the conqueror put an end to the Zipas lineage.
  • 1538

    Bosa was established as the meeting place of three conquerors

    Bosa was established as the meeting place of three conquerors
    Bosa was constituted as the meeting place of three conquerors, Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Nicolás de Federmán and Sebastián de Belalcázar.
  • the region was the scene of the Battle of Bosa

    the region was the scene of the Battle of Bosa
    the region was the scene of the Battle of Bosa, between Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera, José Hilario López and Pedro Alcántara Herrán, against the dictator José María Melo, which led to the exile of the latter.
  • Bosa a small municipality

    Bosa a small municipality
    Until the first half of the Twentieth Century Bosa was a small municipality composed of five neighborhoods and a population of less than 20,000 people
  • The 1991 Constitution

    The 1991 Constitution
    The 1991 Constitution gave Bogotá the character of Capital District. Bosa then became Locality number 7.
  • Cabildo Muisca

    Cabildo Muisca
    they were recognized in official ceremony before the Mayor of Bogotá, D.C., as stipulated by Law 89 of 1890, after more than a century without legal existence.