End of the WWI
Paris Peace Conference
Treaty of Versallies
Britian, France, Japan & Italy
Poland takes over vilna
Vilna crisis -
The League of Nations become to work
Period: to
Prisoners from war were repatriated from Siberia
Period: to
Aaland Islands settlement
Upper Silesian setlement
Aaland Island dispute
Washinton disarmament conference
Rapallo Treaty
Refugee crisis in Turkey
Period: to
Austrian and Hungarian economies rescued
Corfu crisis
German hyperinflation
Invasion of the Ruhr
Dawes plan
Bulgarian crisis
Geneva protocol
Locarno treaties
Germany joined the League
Kellogg- Briand pact
Wall street crash in the USA
Period: to
The depression USA
Every country who traded with it, was affected. -
Period: to
First invasion of Japan to Manchuria
Period: to
Lytton report
Period: to
Manchuria crisis
Period: to
Disrmament Conference
Period: to
Disarmament conference
Hitler is appointed chancellor
Germany leaves the League
Japan leaves the League
Second invasion to Manchuria
Mnchurian crisis -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor
Germany leaves The League
Japan leaves The League
Second invasion,
Manchurian crisis