Birth of Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks ( Rosa Luise Mc Cauley) was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. -
Start of World War I
The World War I started on July, 28 1914. broke out in 1914. United States, under the preisdency of Woodrow Wilson, initially decided to stay neutral. In 1917, Germany began attacking and sinking American ships. American people demanded revenge and the U.S. Congress declared war on Germany. The entry of United States in the war war I played a key role in defeating German forces.
The end of War happened the fall of 1018 -
Women are given the right to vote
The amendment which gave the right to women to vote was the Nineteenth Amendment. The Nineteenth amendment is 1920, declared that individuals are not prohibit to vote on the basis of their sex. -
Rosa marries Raymond Parks
Parks married Raymond Parks when she was 19. He was a barber, and he actively fighting to end racial injustice. Together the couple worked with many social justice organizations -
World War II
World War II, which began in 1939, was the deadliest and most destructive war in history.On December 7, 1941, Japan, launched a surprise air attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The United States immediately declared war on Japan. Great Britain followed suit. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The war ended in 1945. -
Rosa Parks joins NAACP'S Montgomery's Branch
Rosa was elected secretary, in 1943, at the Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). -
U.S. drops atomic bomb to Hiroshima
The Japanese city of Hiroshima, was the city that American dropped the first atomic bomb, called the Little Boy, on August 6, 1945. Two-thirds of Hiroshima's population, of 300,000, died. Japan surrendered, and it was the end of World War II. -
Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat in the bus
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, during segregation. When the bus arrived and white people came on, the bus driver asked Parks to move. She refused. Her resistance, set in motion one of the largest social movements in history, the Montgomery Bus Boycott. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
After the refuse of Rosa Parks to give up her bus seat for a white person, protests have started. One of the main protests was a 13th month protest called the Montgomery Bus Boycott.At the end the U.S. Supreme Court decided that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional. The president of the association coordinated the Montgomery Bus boycott, was Martin Luther King Jr, one of the most important leaders of civil rights movement. -
March on Washington by Martin Luther King Jr.
On August 28, 1963, about a quarter-million people gathered in the historic March on Washington. The reasons were political, social, and economic. The place of the gathering is the Lincoln Memorial. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the historic speech "I have a Dream" -
Assasination of John F. Kennedy
President John. F. Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas campaigning. At the Main Street of Dealey Plaza, gunfires started. Bullets struck the president on the head. By the time he arrived at the hospital, he was already dead. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
On April 4,1968 Martin Luther King was shot dead. He was at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, standing on his balcony. He was one of the most important leaders of civil rights movement, and the news of his assassination brought violence in the streets nationwide. 40 deaths in a hundred cities was the result of the outbreak.James Earl Ray confessed to the crime. -
President Nixon resigns-Watergate scandal
Richard Nixon became the first president to ever resign the Oval Office. His administration involved in the Watergate scandal.It was a break in in the office of Democrats.The break in was an effort for Presidents re-election. Nixon denied the involvement but he had to resign. -
Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development
The Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development’s “Pathways to Freedom program, was found by Rosa Parks and her husband. It inspires the young people of color, and educates their civil rights. the civil rights movement and beyond. Children ages 11-17 meet and talk with Mrs. Parks and other national leaders. They also educated about American and worldwide history. -
Rosa Parks receives the Medal of Freedom from President Clinton
In September 1996 President William J. Clinton, the forty second President of the United States of America gave Mrs. Parks the MEDAL OF FREEDOM, the highest award given to a civilian citizen. -
Twin Towers Attack
On September 11, 2001, the extremist group of Al Qaeda, carried out suicide attacks against the United States. Four airplanes were hijacked, and they fell into American buildings. The two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, one planed crashed the Pentagon, and one fell in a field. Almost 3,000 people lost their lives, and after that the United States were not the same. Security in the United States changed, and worldwide. George W. Bush declare war against terrorists. -
USA declares war in Iraq
President G.W. Bush announced to the United States that he and 35 coalition forces declare war against Saddam Hussein to fee Iraq. Saddam Hussein has placed troops in civilian areas, and he initiated atrocities against his own people. U.S. declared the end of the war against Iraq, nearly ten years after it started, on December of 2011. -
Death of Rosa Parks
On October 24th, 2005, at the age of 92, Rosa Parks died of natural causes.