History assignment

By jticks
  • First world war ends (60,000 australians die)

    First world war ends (60,000 australians die)
    the end of the war signifies the end of a devastating war that had many coutries invloved in it. 60,000 australian soldiers died during this conflict. this had greatly affected australia as the news hit home hard and certainly the politics of the country at the time were influenced by this war.
  • Prime Minister Billy Hughes signs Treaty of Versailles:

    Prime Minister Billy Hughes signs Treaty of Versailles:
    this was the first time an international treaty had been signed by any leader of australia. billy hughes the current prime minister at the time signed the treaty in the palace of versailles. this had an impact on australia bothe during world war two and the aftermath of world war 1
  • Period: to

    Time span 1919 to current day

  • September, Australia enters the Second World War following the German Invasion of Poland

    September, Australia enters the Second World War following the German Invasion of Poland
    the second world war began on spetember the first 1939 which invloved most of the western countries excluding the united states of america which entered the war at a later stage. this was significant because australia had entered the war due to being a commonwealth country and its alliance to england and france
  • Feb, Fall of Singapore. 15,000 Australians become Prisoners of War of the Japanese

    Feb, Fall of Singapore. 15,000 Australians become Prisoners of War of the Japanese
    this is hugely significant for australias history as this was a strong english hold in south eat asia, this did not help australia as it gave the japanese a tactical place of where to breach out into the furhter eaches of asia
  • Nazi Germany surrenders

    Nazi Germany surrenders
    the end of world war two in 1945 signalled the end of hopefully most wars, there was also a number of peace groups that formed because of world war two inclding united nations, also there were a number of "war rules" that were put in place
  • Australia signs the ANZUS treaty with the United States and New Zealand

    Australia signs the ANZUS treaty with the United States and New Zealand
    The Australia, New Zealand, United States Security Treaty (ANZUS or ANZUS Treaty) is the military alliance which binds Australia and New Zealand and, separately, Australia and the United States to cooperate on defense matters in the Pacific Ocean area, though today the treaty is understood to relate to attacks worldwide.
  • Ronald Ryan becomes the last person legally executed in Australia

    Ronald Joseph Ryan (21 February 1925 – 3 February 1967) was the last person to be executed in Australia. Ryan was found guilty of shooting and killing prison officer George Hodson during an escape from Pentridge Prison, Victoria in 1965.
  • Neville Bonner becomes the first Aborigine to become an Australian Member of Parliament

    Neville Thomas Bonner AO (28 March 1922 – 5 February 1999) was an Australian politician, and the first Indigenous Australian to become a member of the Parliament of Australia.
  • Advance Australia Fair is proclaimed as Australia's official national anthem.

    Advance Australia Fair is proclaimed as Australia's official national anthem.
    "Advance Australia Fair" is the official national anthem of Australia. Created by the Scottish-born composer Peter Dodds McCormick, the song was first performed in 1878 but did not gain its status as the official anthem until 1984. Until then the song was sung in Australia as a patriotic song.
  • 2002 Bali bombings, the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia

    2002 Bali bombings, the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia
    The 2002 Bali bombings occurred on 12 October 2002 in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali. The attack was claimed as the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia according to the current police general, killing 202 people