The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began and Britain started sending convicts and soldiers over to Australia. Because of lack of jobs Britain had a lot of poverty. -
Reasons for British Settlement
The Government tried to persuade free settlers to come over to Australia because in Britain there was a lot of unemployment and there would be new jobs in Australia, also Britain wanted to be close to Asia to trade. The people in Britain wanted more land, the buildings, ships and bridges began to get bigger because of more steel. -
Reasons for British Settlement
Children as young as 8 were working in factories with their parents looking for new opportunities. The British Government had to find new land because of loss of space in America. The Independent war had been won by America so Britain could no longer send convicts there. The jails in Britain were overcrowded and Britain was not a nice place to live in because of so much crime and poverty. There were also open sewers. -
Sailing over to Australia
On the 13th of May 1787 11 British ships full of convicts, free settlers and soldiers set sail to the new Southern land. Many people became sick on the boat with diseases like scurvy from lack of vitamins. It was a long journey from Britain to Australia. -
Arriving on the shores of Australia
On 18 January 1788 the First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay which was later declared unsuitable to start a colony. The governor Captain Arthur Philip decided to move north and on the 26th of January 1788 the 11 ships landed on Port Jackson began to start the first Australian penal colony. -
The first contact between the Aboriginals and British
At first the Aboriginals and British tried to get along. They would attend ceremonies and often dance together. The British had different plans to the Aboriginals. The British planed to stay on the Australian land while the Aboriginals had different ideas. The Aboriginals thought that the British were another tribe of Aboriginals and that they had just come to visit and trade and after a year they realised that the British were here to stay. -
The colonisation of Norfolk Island
The second place that was colonised in Australia was Norfolk Island in 1788. Norfolk Island is a penal colony not far from Port Jackson. This Island was later abandoned because it was to hard to maintain. This was because it is a remote Island. -
The unusual relationship
In November 1789 Bennelong a young Aboriginal boy was captured by Captain Arthur Phillips soldiers. This was because Captain Arthur Phillip thought that it was a good idea if he learnt how to speak like the Aboriginals. After a while Captain Arthur Phillip and Bennelong grew an unusual friendship. Bennelong would call Captain Arthur Phillip 'dad' and Captain Arthur Phillip would call Bennelong 'son'. This was unusual because Captain Arthur Phillip had captured Bennelong. -
The colonisation of Tasmania
Lieuntenant-Governor Collins was sent out to find another colony. In 1803 he found a place called Tasmania. This was a suitable place to set up a penal colony and is still a colony today. Because this was a suitable penal colony to live when Norfolk was shut down all the prisoners were sent to Tasmania. -
The colonisation of Brisbane
In 1824 Britain found another penal colony they called Endeglassie. Endeglassie was closed 20 years later and became open for free settlers. This was because they had found a better place to send the convicts. -
The colonisation of Albany
This was because Britain wanted to explore the other side of Australia. Britain rushed to get convicts to Western Australia because they were scared that the French would claim the land. This was a good place to have a many jails. -
The colonisation of Fremantle
This penal colony was the sixth colony in Australia. This penal colony is near Albany. -
The colonisation of Port Phillip
In 1835 the seventh penal colony was set up. This penal colony was named Port Phillip. Port Phillip was not a colony for long because of water shortage and poor soil. This was named after Captain Arthur Philip. -
The gold rush
The gold rush brought many people from all around the world. The population of Australia sky rocketed.