
History and World lit

  • "Tartuffe"

    Written by Moliere
  • Trade in China

    The ports of China are open to international trade.
  • Matsuo Basho

    Basho wrote Haiku's and was born in 1644 and died in 1694
  • Salem Witch Trails

    Salem Witch Trails
    These trails caused the death of many people in Salem.
  • Newspaper

    First daily newspaper was published in England.
  • The Love Sucides at Amijia

    Written By: Chikamatsu Monzaemon
  • A Modest Proposal

    A Modest Proposal
    Written By Jonathan Swift
  • The Story of the Stone

    Cao Xueqin funished this in 1750
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    This began in the 1730s and was over in about 1743
  • French and Indian War Starts

    French and Indian War Starts
    War fought manly in the US and ends in 1763.
  • First English Dictionary is Published

    First English Dictionary is Published
    Sam Johnson publishes Dictionary of the English Language
  • Candide

    Written Voltaire
  • Start of Industrial Revolution

    Starting point of industiral revolution. Which impacted literature.
  • Steam Engine

    The improvement of the steam engine by James Watt which lead to the manufacturing of the steam boat.
  • American Revolutionary War

    This war was during 1765–1783 and it had a great impact on the world.
  • Wordsworth

    Wrote poems like "We are Seven"
  • Yosa Buson

    Buson wrote Haiku's he lived from 1716-1783
  • Abolitionism

    The Somersett's case in 1772, helped to get rid of slavery in Britain.
  • U.S. declares independence

    The United States declears independence.
  • What is Enlightment

    Written by Immanuel Kant
  • "The Chimney Sweeper"

    "The Chimney Sweeper"
    Written by William Blake
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution took place from 1789 to 1799
  • The Age of Enlightenment

    The Age of Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment lasted a long period of time but was the greatest in about 1790–1800, It caused the focus of most writtings to be centered on this.
  • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Wrote Poems Like "Frost at Midnight" and "Kubla Khan"
  • Romanticism

    This was the start of a new way of writting and new beliefs that was in its peak years from 1800 to 1850.
  • Movement for public education

    The education reform started in the 1800's and increased the literarcy rates.
  • Period: to


    Written by German author Johann Wolfgang Von Gothe
  • Brothers Grimm / Orature

    Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859) edited and wrote down folktales like " The Three Spinners" and many other folktales from around the world.
  • Young Goodman Brown

    This was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
  • "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street"

    Written by the American Author Herman Melville
  • Golbalization

    The start of the process of easy travel making it possible for people to see the world and write more about it.
  • The Rise of Marxism

    Karl Marx makes comments about Marxism and begins to influence others.
  • Cult of True Womanhood

    Cult of True Womanhood
    The movement towards womens rights started in the 18th century but lasted a long time.
  • Colonization of Africa

    Colonization of Africa
    European countries started invading Africa
  • The Death of Ivan Ilyich

    Written by Russian author Leo Tolstoy
  • "Seperate Ways"

    Ichiyō Higuchi lived from May 2, 1872 – November 23, 1896 Wrote many short stories.
  • The Heart of Darkness

    Written by Joseph Conrad
  • Start of WWI

    The first world war began in 1914 causing many changes in points of view.
  • Pablo Neruda

    Pablo Neruda
    Pablo a latin poet lived from July 12, 1904 – September 23, 1973 during this time he wrote poems like "Tonight I Can Write
    ' , "Walking Around"