
  • Joseph stolen

  • Harry truman

  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
  • V E Day

  • Potsdam Conference

  • Hiroshima

  • Nagasaki

  • V J Day

  • Vietnam Independence

  • Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech

  • Truman Doctrine

  • Marshall Plan

  • Kominform

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • Formation of West Germany

  • NATO formed

  • Period: to

    Korean war

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • Gueorgui Maksimiliánovich Malenkov

  • Death of Stalin

  • Period: to

    Geneva Accords

  • Period: to

    Space race

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Warsaw Pact

  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

  • Period: to

    Suez Crisis

  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution

  • John F. Kennedy

  • Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Lionel briesnev

  • Richard nixon

  • Men walks in the moon

  • Gerald Ford

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Yuri andropov

  • Constantine chernevkov

  • Mikhail gorbachov

  • Chernobyl Disaster

  • Ronald Reagan

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • End of Warsaw Pact

  • End of the Soviet Union

  • George H. W. Bush