
By Cayb99
  • The Largest Cities

    The largest cites
    in the region
    were New York,
    and Boston.
  • North America

    Britain's North
    American colonies
    now number
    one million
  • The French and Indian Wa

    The French and
    Indian War pitted
    the colonies of
    British America
    against those
    of New France.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act was
    the first tax on the
    American colonies
    imposed by the British.
    It’s purpose was to give
    the custom agents more power
    and revenue.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act of was
    an Act of the Parliament
    of Great Britain which
    imposed a direct tax on
    the British colonies in
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    was a confrontation in
    which British soldiers
    shot and killed several
    people while being
    harassed by a mob
    in Boston.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This document is important to
    America because it made the
    colonies of America free and
    independent from Great
  • The signing of the constitution

    The constitution was signed
    becoming a huge part of
    our government and
    still is today.
  • George Washington Becomes President

    This was a very important day.
    It was the first ever presidency
    of our free nation
  • The War of 1812

    The war of 1812 lasted unti
    1814, but it was important
    becasue it brought back free
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The battle place in east-southeast
    of the city of New Orleans, close to
    the town of Chalmette, Louisiana, and i
    was a U.S. victory.
  • James Monroe

    President Monroe was elected as the fifth presdient of the United States.
  • Spain Sells Part Of Florida To US

    Spain was in debt for $5 million dollars and so they traded part of florida to pay of their dedt of $5 million dollars.
  • Andrew Jackson becomes President

    Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th President of the United States.
  • Texas Becomes a State

    Texas becomes a state in 1845.
  • The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

    The treaty was was made in response to attempts to build the Nicaragua Canal that would connect to the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.