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The History of the First World War

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28,1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. This is one of the key events that started World War 1.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    First Battle of the Marne
    A battle fought from September seventh to September twelfth. It resulted in a Allies victory against the German armies in the west.
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The battle of Tannenberg was a battle between Germany and Russia. It was the first month of World War 1. It resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian second army and its suicide of the Russian general, Alexander Samsonov.
  • Sinking of Lusitania

    Sinking of Lusitania
    This tragic event occurred on May 7, 1915. This was carried out by the new military vehicle, the German U-boat.
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    The British employ the first tanks ever used in battle, at deville wood. They were mostly used for breaking through enemy defenses and clearing paths for infantry.
  • German Using Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    German Using Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
    Germany continues using unrestricted warfare in European waterways. This draws the U.S. into the war. And ultimately brings the German defeat.
  • U.S. Enters the War

    U.S. Enters the War
    The U.S. Congress authorizes a declaration of war against Germany. There allies are France and Britain.
  • Germany and Russia Peace

    Germany and Russia Peace
    Germany signs a peace treaty with the Bolshevik government of Russia. This peace treaty gives Germany a lot of land which allows them to move to the Western Front, causing serious problems for the U.S. and there allies.
  • Forbes in Belleau Wood

    Forbes in Belleau Wood
    Forbes finds it difficult to completely describe what happened in Belleau Wood. He briefly described how horrible it was. He was part of the 4th brigade. They were supporting the front line with artillery.
  • Allan Forbes-Special Orders #156

    Allan Forbes-Special Orders #156
    Corporal Allan Forbes was ordered to France. Forbes tells us that when he entered France, He noticed all the despair and death there was. He imagined France as being a beautiful country and it was the complete opposite. He tells us he was immediately sent to the battlefield that was infested with German soldier that took his friends life.
  • Battle of Saint Mihiel

    Battle of Saint Mihiel
    300,000 American soldiers under the command of general Pershing fight through the German lines.
  • Forbes-Second battle of the Marne

    Forbes-Second battle of the Marne
    He was stationed as a Machine gunner in the worst part of the battle. This battle was the turning point of the war. It was also the last German offensive attack. He tells as that he remembered pulling the trigger on hundreds of German soldiers thinking about his dead friends which lead him on.
  • Allan Forbes and the battle of Amiens

    Allan Forbes and the battle of Amiens
    Allan Forbes tells us that going up the river he saw thousands of dead bodies. He noticed the disadvantages of the Germans if we had rushed the German offensive line. He could see thousands of Germans fighting and fighting. There were tanks everywhere and planes shooting at each other.
  • Allan Forbes and Argonne Forest

    Allan Forbes and Argonne Forest
    He told us he was practically hugging the tank he used as cover. They threw gas in the German trenches and smoked them out and shot them.
  • Wilhelm Abdicates

    Wilhelm Abdicates
    Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates, ending all German hope for winning. He goes to the Netherlands and secludes himself and writes a book about his experience in the war.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    An Armistice is signed and ended all war on the Western Front.