
By hayalan
  • Outbreak of World War I

    Outbreak of World War I
    Ranking: +1 (Progress)
    Theme: Political
    Rationale: Canada's immediate mobilization alongside Britain signaled its readiness to defend the British Empire. This boosted national unity and affirmed Canada's status
  • Sir Robert Borden (Prime Minister during WWI)

    Sir Robert Borden (Prime Minister during WWI)
    Ranking: +1 (Progress)
    Theme: Political
    Rationale: Borden's leadership during WWI, including efforts to introduce conscription and increase Canada's autonomy within the British Empire,
  • War-time Economy

    War-time Economy
    Ranking: +1 (Progress)
    Theme: Economic
    Rationale: Canada's wartime economy expanded significantly, boosting industrial production and employment.
  • Women's Contribution to the War Effort

    Women's Contribution to the War Effort
    Ranking: +2 (Significant Progress)
    Description: Women took on roles in the industry and support services, which expanded their roles.
  • New technology

    New technology
    Ranking: +2 (very good)
    Rationale: This was good for Canada because we got new technology and learned new things which helped us in the long run
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Ranking: +2 (Significant Progress)
    Theme: Military
    Rationale: The successful capture of Vimy Ridge by Canadian forces was significant. It showcased Canada's military prowess and contributed to national pride and identity.
  • Conscription Crisis

    Conscription Crisis
    Conscription Crisis (1917)
    Ranking: -1 (Decline)
    Theme: Political/Social
    Rationale: The conscription crisis deeply divided Canada along linguistic and regional lines. French Canadians opposed conscription, leading to tensions and protests.
  • Halifax Explosion

    Halifax Explosion
    Ranking: +1 (Progress)
    Description: Halifax Explosion prompted a significant humanitarian and economic response,
  • Arthur Currie

    Arthur Currie
    Arthur Currie
    Ranking: +2 (Significant Progress)
    Description: Arthur Currie's leadership led to notable victories and enhanced Canada's military reputation.
  • Spanish Influenza Pandemic

    Spanish Influenza Pandemic
    Ranking: -1 (Decline)
    Description: The Spanish Flu caused widespread illness and economic strain, affecting post-war recovery.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Ranking: 0 (Neutral)
    Theme: Political
    Rationale: Canada's participation in the Treaty of Versailles negotiations marked its first independent diplomatic effort on the international stage but had mixed long-term effects.