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history of newzealnd discovry

By daemonl
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    The origin of Polynesians, an isolated population spanning hundreds of miles of ocean and islands, has long been regarded as an interesting puzzle in human migration patterns. Today, however, strong linguistic, cultural, and archaeological evidence from research in both the physical and social sciences points to colonization originating in Southeast Asia or Indonesia.
  • more facts 2

    Te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa, the Pacific Ocean, was one of the last areas of the earth to be explored and settled by human beings. It was only around 3000 years ago that people began heading eastwards from New Guinea and the Solomon Islands further into the Pacific.
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    Despite predominant easterly winds in the subtropical Pacific, Polynesian navigational skills and the aid of cyclic or seasonal changes in the winds and currents enabled dispersal from the western Pacific to islands as distant as Easter Island and Hawaii. However, there is evidence of trade and contact among disparate Pacific Island societies, and it is possible that Polynesians may have come in contact with those to both their east and west.
  • facts

    :could have been to cold to grow crops and relied on Kai Moana.
    :Winds could have made it tricky to sail back to Indonesia so they stayed.
    :Aotearoa - last group of islands to be discovered. Last large landmass to be inhibited by humans. Started about 1280 or 1290 We know this because of climate data, oral stories, radio carbon dating.
    :they had called them selves moriori. Moriori is still around.
    :They travelled for a couple of thousands of years.
    :Exploring and trading with other realtions.
  • why did the polynisans migrate

    Despite predominant easterly winds in the subtropical Pacific, Polynesian navigational skills and the aid of cyclic or seasonal changes in the winds and currents enabled dispersal from the western Pacific to islands as distant as Easter Island and Hawaii.
  • did the polynisions discovery america

    Researchers believe that Polynesian seafarers must have discovered the Americas first, long before Europeans did. ... That means that Polynesians would have arrived in South America even before the Norse had landed in Newfoundland
  • where did the polynisions come from

    For years, it was generally accepted that Polynesians originated in modern-day Taiwan and began moving south and east about 4,000 years ago. This migration account is based on the research of linguists, the findings of archeologists and some genetic analysis
  • when did the polensians leave

    Archaeology suggests that the migration eastward occurred in roughly two waves, the first occurring in the Bismarck Archipelago, Samoa and Tonga from 1600–1200 BC, and the second occurring later and spreading to the outer reaches of the Polynesian Triangle, bordered by Hawaii, Easter Island and New Zealand.
  • when was tonga

    tonga island was discovered in 1616 by james cook and many others
  • when was new zealand discovered

    The first European to arrive in New Zealand was the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman in 1642. The name New Zealand comes from the Dutch 'Nieuw Zeeland', the name first given to us by a Dutch mapmaker.
  • when was fiji discovered

    The European discoveries of the Fiji group were accidental. The first of these discoveries was made in 1643 by the Dutch explorer, Abel Tasman and English navigators, including Captain James Cook who sailed through in 1774, and made further explorations in the 18th century.
  • when was easter island discovered

    The first known European visitor to Easter Island was the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who arrived in 1722. The Dutch named the island Paaseiland (Easter Island) to commemorate the day they arrived
  • when was tathi discovered

    Captain Samuel Wallis was the first documented explorer to discover tathi
  • when was samoa discovered

    Dutchman, Jacob Roggeveen was the first European to sight the islands in 1722, but it wasn't until 1830 when the Reverend John Williams arrived in Savai'i, that the Christian gospel had an impact on Samoan life. Visitors to Samoa may be shown the monuments to John Williams on both main islands.
  • captain cooks ship

    captain cooks ship was called the Endeavour
  • when was hawaii discovered

    Captain James Cook led three separate voyages to chart unknown areas of the globe for the British Empire. On his third voyage he encountered Hawaii. He first sighted the islands on 18 January 1778.