history timeline

By ccclara
  • Carlos II die without heirs

  • Period: to

    Felipe V

  • Period: to

    Spanish Succession War

  • Nueva planta decrees (valencia and Aragon)

  • Treaty of Utrecht

  • Treaty of rastatt

  • Nueva planta decrees (mayorca)

  • Nueva planta decrees (Cataluña)

  • Period: to

    Felipe V

  • Period: to

    Luis I

  • Period: to

    Fernando VI

  • Period: to

    Carlos III

  • end of the seven years war

  • sugar tax

  • the stamp act

  • Expulsion of the Jesuits

  • Townshend acts

  • boston masacre

  • Boston tea party

  • first continental congress

  • beginning of the second continental congress and the war of American independence

  • committee of five and Declaration of Independence

  • brittish surrended and end of the second continental congress

  • treaty of Paris

  • american constitution

  • Period: to

    Carlos IV

  • George Washington first president of USA

  • arrest of Louis XVI

  • asalt on the Tuileries palace and franco victory against Prussian and Austria

  • First coalition against France

  • execution of Louis XVI

  • Peace of Basilia

  • new French constitution

  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

  • Napoleon Coup (the consulate)

  • Ratification of the treaty of San Ildelfonso with Napoleon

  • Napoleon was named unique consul

  • Napoleon named himself emperor of France

  • Battle of Trafalgar

  • Teatro of fontainebleau

  • 1808

    ·Godoy's dimissal
    ·abdicación of Carlos IV
    ·royal family moves to Bayona
    ·popular uprising (may 2)
  • Period: to

    War of independence

  • 1812

    ·invasion of russia (failure)
    ·first Spanish constitution (march 19)
  • treaty of Valençay

  • Grand armee defecten in the battle of Leipzig, the coalition and Napoleon exiled to Elba

  • Napoleon escaped from Elba and started the government of the hundred days

    he was defeated in the battle of Waterloo and exiled to the island of st Helena
  • Napoleon die in st Helena