4000 BCE
4000 B.C.
3100 BCE
The Mesopotamians invented writing.
3000 BCE
3000 B.C.
2575 BCE
Egyptians built the Great Pyramids of Giza.
2000 BCE
2000 B.C.
1000 BCE
1000 B.C.
900 BCE
Baskets were first used for storage.
776 BCE
First Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece.
500 BCE
The sail was used for the first time.
1 CE
year 1
Farmers first used the wheelbarrow.
1000 A.D.
First eyeglasses were sold.
Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press.
Leonado Da Vinci invented the flip flop.
Christopher Columbus sailed to America.
William Shakespeare was born.
Ben Franklin published the first newspaper.
First photograph of a president was taken.
First college football game was played.
Moon pies were invented.
The first Mickey Mouse cartoon shown in New York.
M & M’s were invented.
McDonalds opened.
Neil Armstrong Landed on the moon.
2000 A.D.
Entered the League Academy.