history 414 timeline

  • Jan 1, 1500

    indians pre europeen

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    history assignment

  • Jan 31, 1500


    • Long house
    • Sedentary
    • Agriculture
    • Fertile lands
    • Matrilineal
    • Tribes
    • Stone tools
  • Jan 31, 1500


    • Teepees
    • Patrilineal
    • Nomad
    • Hunting
    • Foraging
  • Sep 4, 1500


    invention of the musket in the 16th century
  • Sep 30, 1534

    jaques cartier

    jaques cartier's first voyage
  • Sep 30, 1541

    jaques cartier

    jaques cartie's 3rd and final voyage
  • port royal

    establishment in nova scotia called port royal
  • louis 14

    reouved merchentilism
  • the clergy

    • preists in charge of parishes
    • preists work as missionairy's
    • nuns work in hopitals and schools
    • some priests were trained in a seminary
    • money used to make it happen are from the church tax
    • religion was the center of most lives
  • royal government

    sovreign counsile
    governer: comander of the army, external affairs
    bishop: hospitals, schools, and chariteis
    intendent: resposible for civil administration, taxes, budget, roads, justice
  • jean talon

    intendent who was sent to encourage settlement and wanted anybody to come over to NF
    used different ways:
    - payments to couples who married young
    - filles du roi (orphan girls)
    - fathers of unmarried girl payed tax
    - soldiers were offered land after their service
  • intercolonial wars

    first intercolonial war - 1697 - end treaty of ryswick
    second Intercolonial war - 1713 - emds treaty of utrecht
    third Intercolonial war - 1748- ends treaty of aix-la-chapelle
  • the seven year war

    fourth Intercolonial war
    more complicated than the first three and requieres to be looked into
    ~70, 000 catholics
    ~1,500,000 protestants
    battle of the plains of abraham (1759)
  • articles of capitulation

    end of the seven year war
    1. french malitia were to return home
    2. french trained military were to return to france
    3. bishop must return to france but the R.C. could be practiced
    4. people who stayed became british subjects
  • habitants

    • settlers lived happy lives that were full of work: carring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools, and preparing for winter
    • because of the lack of development the settlers became more and more self dependent
    • after the british conquest the govenor, the seigneurs and the censitairs sayed
  • canadians & americans

    the people of NF are being called canadians and the 13 coloies americans
  • treaty of paris

    took place in paris
    ended the 7 year war officially
    all territory of new france belongs to the king except two small islands
    ended the war between england and france
  • james muray

    the first governor
    claimed the royal prclomation was unworkable
    - allowed a new bishop
    - french civil laws
    - didn't call an elected assembly
    english merchants were unhappy with the new ruleing
  • royal proclomation

    1) colony has a new name (provence of quebec)
    2) decrease borders around the st lawrence valley
    3) civillian government king->govenor-> executive counsil
    4) english criminal & civil laws
    5) unused land is devided int townships
    6) no bishop would be allowed
    7) not R.C. could hold office (test act)
    goal to assimilate and cntrol the french
    majority of the british there were rich merchants
  • representative government

    lower canada (french)
    - catholic religion
    - french civil laws
    - people can work in admin
    upper canada (english)
    - protestants
    - township system
    - english civil laws
  • representative government

    ~british parlement
    ~govenor- apointed by parlement, cammands forces, in charge of admin, called assemblies, veto power
    ~lieutenant govenor- deputy govenor
    ~executive council- apointed by govenor to advise him
    ~legislative counsil- appointed, aprouve or deny laws
    ~legilative assembly- elected every 4 years coul aprouve or disapprove taxes and could creat laws.
    ~ ordinary people- had say in governent
  • faults in representative government

    ~legislative assembly had power to make laws but govenors veto power made it obsolete
    ~wealthy govenors wanted to invest in business were as the legislative assebly wante to tax goods
  • changes

    ~ due to the war with napoleon the british requre more lumber and import from canada making lumber the main export
    ~ canada also proveids food for armies
    ~ new methods were brough with the waves of immigrants
    ~steam power was invented by james watt
    ~rail way was built to move good through canada
    ~the # of immigrants raised bolth upper and lower canada to the point where upper canada surpassed lower canada
  • war of 1812

    ~british were upset over the loss of the colonies to the south
    ~while britn was at war with napoleon they americans took advantage and attacked canada
    ~they attempted a badly planned and exicuted plan to take over canada burning down the town of york
    ~french canadian militia and british troops counter attacked by infact burning down the white house
    ~fight ends with a draw
    ~boosts canadian aconomy
    ~loyalists and candians feel safe under british regeime
    ~feer of expanding america remains
  • rebelions

    ~the realisation of the lack of power by lower canada caused tention to grom between canada and britan
    ~with the rising amounts of problems the leader of the patriots sent 92 resolutions to london asking for more power and the ability to control their own country they were answered with 10 resolutions that had nothing to do with their cause this resulted in the breack out of a rebelion
    ~the end result of the rebelions were 12 patriots hanged and 58 exiled to australia
  • lord durham

    lord durham was sent to cnaada to asses what should be done to the colonies
    ~britan should increase immigration
    ~two canadas should be united
    ~resposible government should be granted
    1840 act of union
    ~combines bolth canadas
    ~government had veto power
    ~bolth canadas pay for eachothers debts
    ~42 members to the assembly