Period: to
chapter 5-7
British North America Act, and conferences
-they wanted to unite because they were scared of americans expanding to the west, the treaty of reciprocity ended after 10 years, free trade was ababandoned
- Charlottetown Conference, leaders met and left agreeing on a merger (NB,NS,PEI).
-Quebec Act, agreed on 72 resolutions, ex: 24 seats to each colony (total 72 seats) Assembly elected by “rep by pop” Build a railway between colonies. Nfld, and PEI withdrew
- London Conference, British North America act. (ONT, QC, NB, NS) -
Constitutional Monarchy
-Queen & Governor General have only symbolic power
-3 levels Federal, Provincial, Municipal, each level has three types of functions
-Executive: Makes decisions about administration
-Legislative: Makes or amends laws, and imposes taxes
-Judicial: Ensures laws are applied
-Head of State (Queen),Governor General, Parliament→Senate (Upper House), House of Commons (Lower House), Ministers, Government, Prime Minister, Cabinet, Opposition, Minority Government, Speaker, Courts -
First phase of industrialization changes
- population rose, farms over crouded, better jobs in the us
- living conditions were very tough, long hours, dangerous, bad pay, and easily replaced.
- many babies died before their first birthday.
- women had a hard life, few rights, litle education terrible jobs which were very demanding, only escape id becoming a nun.
- church was in charge of births marages and deaths.
Reciprocity Treaty
- the treaty only lasted 10 years
- was not renewed by the states
- canada no longer has a trade partner
- timber, canadas leading export was now replaced by iron
-Times were tough: trade was down, unemployment inc, economic recession
-John A. Macdonald made a plan with three main points, -Increase Custom Duties, Build Railways, Encourage Immigration. -
Boer War
- right at the end of the 19th century
- great britan was apart of it therefore canada was apart of it
Late 1800’s-Early 1900’s advancements
-new raikways being made
-Many industries in Montreal (food processing, textiles, wood)
-population rose, people moving to citys, farms still crouded, better jobs in the US
- US better working conditions then canada.
- Woman have very fiew right not able to vote had long hours, treated worse then men.
-Church was still in charge of registering births, marriages, deaths -
Imperialism and Nationalism
-Imperialism – attachment and loyalty to the british empire. -Nationalism – to be proud of who you are. -Britan held an imperialism by hvaing control over there colonies
--Eng.Cdn. Nationalism: Liked the English way, (language, politics) wanted to support Britain but wanted Canada to operate independently, -Fre.Cdn. Nationalism: Did not want to support Britian, wanted to protect French interests (language, education, rights). -
second phase of industrialization
- natural resourses were being exploited ( minerals, pulp & paper)
- many new factorys opened, a lot on the us
- bigger division of rich to poor
- still very hard working conditions.
world war one
- 1914-1918
- based on nationalism,
- as soon as britan went to war canada went to war.
- conscription
- french were angry because they felt that they did not have to fight in the war
- results of the war
- boost in economy and increase in population.
great depresion
- people were borrowing money from the band and invested in stocks, the stalk market crashes known as black thursday.
- result is thta some people comit suicide, many bankrupt, unemplyment, reduce in production.
- gouverment makes direct, work camps, and encouraged farming
- buisnesses that were his the worst, were buissness men lawyers.
statue of westminister.
Not a statue!
Gave Fed. Gov’t powers over Foreign Affairs -
world war 2
- 1939-1945
- the difference between the first and secon world war was that canada chose to be involve in this war, they were not forced to fihgt.
- conscription was implemented
- womens role increased
- baby boom hits
Maurice Duplessis
- he beilived in the church life he wanted to people to be old school and follow church
- he also thought that people should move back to the farms land because in the farm land you will be closer to god
- he was elected twice
- he was one of the main problems to quebec not being modern.
quiet revolution
- the main features was to make the guvernment the main force behind quebecs social and economique factor
- gouvernment was incharge of Hydro-Quebec became gov’t owned, trans-canada expanded, Montreal Metro.
- free public school till 16, MEQ created
- Bleu coller: is physical type of job (city construction). - White coller: people that sit at a desk.
- modernization jobs moved away from rural or hard labour, there are more intellectuals, university trained specialists - union whoch protected workers by givuing less hours pensions and more.
Quebec Nationalism
-Office de la langue francaise was created to promote the French language. They promote it by taking the English rights and making them look bad.
- fench bill were 63 and 22, defending the fench language
- Bill 101- Only French signs were allowed in public space
- Bill 178 and Bill 86 were the english laws fighting back
- Federalists-want Quebec to stay- Separatists-want Quebec to be independent -
Culture developments
- pill creared
- expantion in canada is evrywhere
- womens rights are increasing.
- quebec is pushuing hard for there independence
- 1964 we get our new flag
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau he is for a united Canada does not want to separate
life in quebec
- french wanted to seperate (souvetignity)
- flq a terrorist group plant bombms in english mailboxes and all english places.
- the RIN and the RN created the pq party form in 1968 lead by R.Levesque
- there are many new partys being formed.
first referendum
- french saw themselves as quebecois not canadian
- rene levesque was the leader of the parti quebecoi held the referendum, 60 % voted against the issue of separation.
Constitution Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
- To this day Quebec has not signed this constitution
- The Meech Lake Accord was a package of proposed amendments to the Constitution of Canada negotiated in 1987 by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and the ten provincial premiers. It was intended to persuade the government of Quebec to endorse the 1982 constitutional amendment and increase support in Quebec for remaining within Canada. Its rejection had the effect of energizing support for Quebec sovereignty.
second referendum
- led by Jacques Parizeau. With even closer results 50.6% against, and 49.4% for
- the issue is still not resolved, the pq is still trying to seperate but they can not get enough votes.
futur concerns
- another referendum
- quebec seperaing
- blobalization
- The difficult situation on many reserves and the struggle of the first nations
native issues
- the provincial gouvernemnt wanted to build a golf course on the native resourve
- they established road blocks to protect there land.
- they did not have many rights
- the army came in to resolve the problem (known as the oka crisis)
- The Oka crisis lasted 78 days
- The Charlottetown Accord was created to deal with these issues.