History 414

  • Jan 1, 1500


    • Multiple tribes -Farmed
    • Lived in longhouses
    • Sedentary -Chiefs were women
    • Lived near fertile lands -Heritage passed down to daughter
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Jan 2, 1500


    - Lived in tipies
    - Dependent on hunting
    - Small groups
    -Ate meats
    - Multiple tribes
  • Feb 2, 1510

    People Interrested in going on voyages+ Why

    People Interrested in going on voyages+ Why
    -Merchants (make money by selling new things)
    -Scholars (be more educated and to discover)
    -The Clergy ( extend power)
    -Super-Power Countries (moer land, more powerful)
  • Mar 3, 1510

    Inventions (to help w water travel)

    Inventions (to help w water travel)
  • Dec 3, 1522


    He was first to circle the Earth, and proved the Earth was round
    He left in 1519 and came back in 1522
  • Jan 3, 1534

    Voyage #1 of Jaques Cartier

    Voyage #1 of Jaques Cartier
    -He wanted to find land, find gold,and another route to China During the first voyage he mapped the Gulf of St.Lawrenceand reported what he thought was gold but was actually much timbler, fish and furs
  • Jan 3, 1535

    Voyage #2 of Jaques Cartier

    Voyage #2 of Jaques Cartier
    -He wanted to find land, find gold,and another route to China On this trip, he sailed up the St.Lawrence and reached Quebec (Stadacona at the time). Natives taught the French how to survive the cold winters. Despite their nice actions, the French retured with some native captives, one of which was the cheif (Donacona)
  • Jan 3, 1541

    Voyage #3 of Jaques Cartier

    Voyage #3 of Jaques Cartier
    -He wanted to find land, find gold,and another route to China On this last voyage, Jaques cartier attempted to create a colony in New France, but failed. Missionaries attempted to convert the Natives.France then lost interest for 60 years.
  • Port Royale-Nova Scotia

    Port Royale-Nova Scotia
    60 years later, The King of France is now interrested in making a colony.
    He wanted to have settlement on the coast of Nova Scotia and call it Port Royal
    He sent a bunch of men including Samuel de Champlain to start settlement
    Port Royal failed because of its position
    Porrt Royal failed
  • Champlain Returns

    Champlain Returns
    Champlain retuns to make a trading post in the Quebec area (Stadacona) where the river narrowed
    They traded mainy with the Algonquin and got furs out of those trades
    For who was in charge, thr King made a monopoly to the 100 Associatets (they were the only ones able to run a trading buisness)
  • New France + 13 Colonies

    New France + 13 Colonies
    The trading post Champlain set up eventually grew into a colony called New France
    There were other colonies at the time being set up like the 13 colonies set up along the coast of (soon to be) America
    The French had a small colony with not many settlers and the main reason for the colony was to get more goods
    The Enlgish wanted to make ther colony bigger so they had a big population and believed in making as much gold as possible
  • Natives and French

    Natives and French
    The French and the Native taught eachother things
    Natives Taught The French:
    -How to stay warm in the winter, how to plant, taught their beliefs, got baskets and knowledge, some furs, ndiscovered maple syrup
    French Taught the Natives and got
    - they got pots, kettles, knives, weapons, sometimes money, and guns, tools, salt, bread and suffered because of alcohol disease
  • Merchantilism

    the act of getting main resourse from colony, shipping the good to the mother country where they manufacture it and then sell it back to the colony
  • King Louis the 14th Importance

    King Louis the 14th Importance
    King Louis the 14th got rid of merchantilism when he took over Nouvelle Frace
  • Seigneuries

    Kings first attempt in getting people to move to New France.
  • Royal Government (Sovreign Council)

    Royal Government (Sovreign Council)
    King and Minister of Marine: Would stay in France but delt with New France directly
    Governer: Delt with external affairs, for example the English and the Amerindians (lived here)
    Intendends: Deals with where the money goes and taxes
    Bishops: People listened to him the most, was in charge of the church the schools and the hospitals.
  • Rights and Duties of a Seigneur

    Rights and Duties of a Seigneur
    bring peasants to his land, must live in his seigneuries, build windmill, provide with roads, and build a church
  • Rights and Duities of a Peasant

    Rights and Duities of a Peasant
    live on land, clear land, cultivate food, build a place to live, pay taxes to seignerurss, tithe
  • Increase Population Startegy (jean talon)

    Increase Population Startegy (jean talon)
    • offered free land to soliders who stayed here
    • sent over criminals (ones who didnt pay tax)
    • people had to get married or talon would charge girl father
  • Religion in New France

    Religion in New France
    The Clergy was everywhere:
    -Priests in charge of parishes (cure)
    -Priests working as missionaries
    -Nuns working in hospitalsu
    -Nuns working in schools
  • Life in New France

    Life in New France
    -Settlers(habitants) had happy lives but it was work. There was work to be done everyday; Caring for crops, making clothes, fixing tools, preparing for winter.
    -Because New France was not really developing settlers became self-dependent (took care of themselves).
    -Life differed from France, where you had the very rich and massive numbers of poor/starving people.
    -In New France the people were very autonomous and by 1760 grew to become a distinct set of people called Canadien (13 colonies are
  • Intercolonial Wars 1-3

    Intercolonial Wars 1-3
    1st. Treaty of Ryswick 1697
    2nd. Treaty of Utrecht 1713
    3rd. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748
  • Articles of Capulation- Concequence to English Victory

    Articles of Capulation- Concequence to English Victory
    The French Militia could go home,no one took their land
    The French Regular military would put their guns down and leave.
    The people could practice their religio but the Bishop would have to leave.
    The people who stayed would become British Subjects.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    All territory known as New France is now given to England, other than two islands: St.Pierre and Michelon
  • The 7 Year War (4th intercolonial)

    The 7 Year War (4th intercolonial)
    This war was being faught in North America and in Europe, but ended earlier in North Amercia (1760)
    The British tryied to defeat France by taking thier land.
    This was unsuccessful, so they faught on sea.
    -The English first take Louisbourg an extremely powerful fort
    Battle on the Plains of Abraham (1759) Wolf (Eng.) vs. Montcalm (Fr.) both Generals die,
  • Royal Proclimation

    New France is not called The Province of Quebec
    The colony is now very small, Montreal and Ottawa
    Changed to civilian Government to run the new

    Colony where the King appointed a Governor who then appointed members of an Executive Council to advise him.
    English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.
    New land would be divided by the Township System
    No new Bishop would be allowed
    The goal of this was to assimilate the French
  • The Conquest of New France

    The Conquest of New France
    New France population: 70,000
    13 Colonies population:1,500,000 so the english obviously overpowered the french and won their war
    papers were not signed for three years because of was in Europe
  • James Murray Influence

    James Murray Influence
    -Found that The Royal Proclamation unworkable for the Province of Quebec and 13 Colonies
    - He allowed a new bishop
    - Allowed French laws in lower courts
    - Not call elected assembly- favor English Merchants
  • 13 Colonies

    13 Colonies
    they were unhappy because they had just faught to get some more land but English would not let them expand
  • Governers for a Change

    Governers for a Change
    James Murray: french lucky to have him, english fed up and re-apointed him
    Guy Carleton: adops same attitude as James Murray, Lead the Qubec Act in 1774
  • Meanwhile in America

    Meanwhile in America
    Up until 1763 the Americans were protected by the British from the French.
    Amercians wanted Western Expansion into the Ohio Valley
    Britain was unhappy with the 13 colonies. (not impressed with war)
    -Some Americans had also been trading with the French, so British placed taxes on everthing they needed+ be strict on trade
  • Test Act

    Test Act
    Test oath of alleigance: swear to king you are loyal and could hold office
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    -Guaruntees French Canadian loyalty.
    -Enlarges Quebec
    - Denied elected assembly
    -Appointed Council of 17+ people
    - French civil laws came back, gave back tithe, seigneurial system
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    signed a Treaty of Versailles, saying that the British accepted United States as an independent country
  • Loyalist

    36 000 loyalist came to Canada+most settld near the Maritimes
    6000 moved to Quebec
    English pop. of QUE went up to 10%
    They set up in townships
    Used english civil laws
    elected assemblies
    wrote to england they wanted change
  • Constitutional Act

    Constitutional Act
    Lower Canada-was almost entirely French (160 000ppl)
    Upper Canada-was entirely English (20,000ppl)
    In Lower Canada the French kept their religion, civil laws, and people could work in the admin.
    In Upper Canada the Protestants, would use the township system, English
    Civil laws.
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    2.British Parliment
    3.Govenor- appointed by Parliment
    4. Lieutenant Governor-acts as deputy governor
    5. Executive Council-appointed by Governor, advised Governor
    6. Legislative Council-appointed, approve or reject laws from assembly
    7. Legislative Assembly- It had the power to approve or disapprove taxes, they had the right to create laws.
    8.Ordinary people-had a say of government
  • Trade Changes

    Trade Changes
    • Timber>
    • The timber trade replaces the fur trade as the main export
  • Agricultural Change

    Agricultural Change
    • soil is exausted in the farm area and the seigneuries became overpopulated -in upper canada the soil was more fertile and immigrants brought new faming techniques
  • Transportation Changes

    Transportation Changes
    • Merchants wanted the government to build canals to make transport of good easier (lachine) -This investment lead to a lot of political problems -Eventuslly in 1836, the first train (start of steampower)
  • Population Change

    Population Change
    -In 1815 many poor immigrants were coming from Great Britian, for example Ireland
    -Land was hard to hold onto because expensive, and Irish could no longer plant their potatoes
    - Move here for cheap and fertile soil (not for long)
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    british: upset about loosing war to their colony, also at war with Napoleon, americans thought it was the perfect time to take advantage
    end result: no one wins, canada's economy boosts up
  • Growing Discontent in Lower Canada

    Growing Discontent in Lower Canada
    The Constitutional act had established representative government but those who could be elected held no real power, so tention grew
    2 Groups:
    British Party (Chateau Cliques, Tories): Controlled the councils, spent money on public works.
    Parti Canadian (Parti Patriote): Controlled the assembly, power over taxes
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    Leader of Patriotes( rebels) Louis Joseph Papineau
    -came up with 92 resolutions-> complaints to government, demand responcible government
    -government-> responded with 10 resolutions that had nothing to do with 92 resolutions, and gave english more power
    upper and lower cananda broke out in fight
  • Rebellion

    -rebellion in upper canade lead by William Lyon Mackenzie
    -rebellion in lower canada lead by Louis Joseph Papineau
    -French and english rebels lost badly to professional english soliders
    -12 rebels were hung in montreal, 58 shipped to australia
  • Lord Durham Report

    Lord Durham Report
    -Sent to upper and lower canadas to see what was going on
    -He reported back, with a few suggestions:
    • Britain should increase immigration in order to assimilate the French.
    • The two Canada’s should be united (eng. now have majority)
    • Responsible Government should be granted to eliminate veto power.

    This suggetion was at first rejected
  • Act of Union- Responcible Government

    Act of Union- Responcible Government
    -Re-looks at durham report
    - They crate the Province of Canada by joining both canadas
    - Canada east and west have 42 seats in assembly
    - Governor still has veto power
    - Both canadas pay equal tax
  • English change in Trade

    English change in Trade
    • they establish Free Trade. (no customs or duties) with Canada --Canada signs a Reciprocity treaty with the USA in 1854 (to last 10 yrs). This treaty meant customs/duties between the two countries