defeat of japan and germany

By kaiira
  • Period: to

    first-sino japanese war (1894-1895)

  • Period: to

    population boom

    45 million in 1900 to 64 million in 1930
  • Period: to

    russo-japanese war (1904-1905)

  • annex of korea ( 1910 )

    japan formally annexes korea
    *by 1910, japan gained control of taiwan, korea and parts of manchuria
  • signing of washington naval treaty (1921 )

  • great depression (1929 )

    international trade significantly reduced
    - export of silk decreased
    - import of raw materials such as iron and steel decrease
  • mukden incident (1931)

    invasion of manchuria following the false plotted bomb attack of south manchurian railway
  • may 15 incident ( 1932 )

    rise of militarism
  • resignation of japan from the lon ( 1933 )

  • anti-comintern pact ( 1936 )

  • marco polo bridge incident (1937)

  • Period: to

    battle of atlantic

    at first, germany sunk allied merchant ships travelling in convoys towards allied powers along the atlantic ocean using u-boats. when us entered the war, us produced more allied ships than u-boats could sink and instead, more u-boats were being sunk
  • signing of the nazi-soviet non-aggression pact (23 aug 1939)

  • invasion of poland (1 sep 1939)

  • B&F declares war on germany (3 sep 1939)

  • blitzkrieg ( may-june 1940 )

    germany conquered belgium, france and the netherlands using blitzkrieg tactics that were swift and caught countries by surprise
  • creation of greater east co-prosperity sphere (1940 )

    japan's attempt to exploit other SEA countries resources to prepare for war under the proclaimed purpose of uniting all asian countries by ridding them of Western control
  • fall of france ( 1940 )

  • battle of britain ( july 1940 )

    germany intensively bombed britain to achieve air superiority but failed with british resilience
  • operation barbarossa ( june 1941 )

    germany invasion on the ussr
  • bombing of pearl harbour ( 1941 )

    japan launched a surprise attack and bombed pearl harbour, killing 2000 american personnel, lost 18 ships and 5 battleships
  • battle of midway ( june 1942 )

    japan lost 4 aircraft carriers and 3/4 of their experienced pilots
  • Period: to

    siege of stalingrad (aug 1942-feb 1943)

    ussr counterattacked german forces
    a turning point in WWII as german forces were defeated
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    battle of kursk

    ussr was able to resist German troops
  • d-day/operation overlord ( 1944 )

    allies plan to liberate france from german control and cut off reinforcement coming from normandy in france
  • Period: to

    battle of berlin

    ussr advanced into berlin
  • hiroshima atomic bomb ( little boy )

    us dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima
  • ussr invasion

  • nagasaki atomic bomb ( fat man )

    us dropped an atomic bomb on nagasaki