U.S & China
Opened 5 ports with the United States, Japan attacked China causing the US to go into panic, who then created the open door act which allowed free trade in China. -
U.S & Cuba
One of the last Spanish colonies in the americas in the 1800s, decided they wanted to declare on the Spanish Government, with the sympathy of the US Government. America tried to make a treaty but was to late when the Spanish had decided to have congress intervene Cuba "in the name of humanity". That's when the Spanish-American war had begun. -
U.S acquisition of Hawaii
Hawaii worked very closely linked by missionary trade work with the U.S. Dole declared it an independent republic, spurred by the nationalism aroused by the Spanish-American war. The U.S decided to annex Hawaii in 1898 at the urging of President William McKinley. It was made an official territory in 1900, and Dole became there governor. -
Relations with Latin America
Most relations between America and various countries of Latin America have at times been defined by strong religion cooperation and at others filled with economic, political, and tension rivalry. For most of the past century the US government has unofficially regarded parts of Latin America as with its sphere of influence, and for much of the Cold War (1947-1989). Today most ties between the US and Latin America are generally cordial, but there are still areas that remain in connection. -
U.S &a the Philippines
The US government wanted to annex the Philippines to control the government and people. People believed it would violate the ideals of the constitution. But they already had a government set up with a president, who declared that if US ships try to take force there would be war. For the next 3 years Filipino fighters battled the US. In 1902 the US passed the Philippine government act after winning the war. -
Spanish-American War
United States gained much power in the pacific region, causing president McKinley to create military governments to restore Cuba and Puerto Rico. Leonard Wood was assigned governor of Cuba, and helped set up the new school system and power. Also creating the Platt Amendmant limiting Cuban power. The US named Peurto Rico a territory instead, also creating acts that limited their power and another one that established them with US citizenship. -
U.S and Japan
Began with diplomatic force-backed missions of the U.S ship captains. Japanese began to migrate to the United States was prominet until the 20th century, up until the 1930's. During the Second Sino-Japanese war, it caused the US to impose harsh sanctions against Japan. This all led to the surprise attack Pearl Harbor, opening up World War II. Japan eventually surrendered and was subjected to 7 years of military occupation by the US. -
Panama Canal
US wanted to cut travel time between Caribbean and Pacific so they proposed digging a canal across Central America. Originally started by a French company, but abandoned after the loss of 20,000 lives and $280 million. Key Panamanian leaders began plotting against the canal being built. Panama declared them selves independent, but was able to make a treaty with the U.S to still build the canal. -
Growth of U.S Imperialism
Began in the 1970's, it began as mostly a quest for colonial empire. It almost led three nations brink of war, taking place in Pacific harbor of Apia which is now present day Western Samoa. 1876-1915 handfuls of industrialized nations seized vast areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It was driven by the need for markets and raw materials. Many places tried to colonize areas to protect them from this.