History 30S Timeline

By ryley
  • Dec 25, 1497

    Discovery of Newfoundland

  • Dec 25, 1534

    Discovery of Canada

  • Quebec Founded

  • Montreal Founded

  • Hudson Bay Company Founded

  • Treaty of Utrecht

  • Battle of Louisbourg

  • Fall of Quebec

  • Paris Treaty

  • Quebec Act

  • Northwest Company Founded

  • Constitutional act of 1791

  • Red River Settlement Founded

  • End of the War of 1812

  • Union Act

  • Charlottetown Confrence

  • Confederation

  • Manitoba Joins Canada

  • Northwest Rebellion

  • Execution of Louis Riel

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne was assassinated by a serbian terrorist. This caused Austria-Hungary to demand control over Bosnia. When Serbia denied, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia, Germany and later Britain and France had joined and thus WWI was started.
  • Battle of Ypres II

  • Battle of the Somme

    The battle of the Somme started on July 1st 1916 and ended on the 18th of november that same year. The battle was considered one of the largest battles of war time history with 1.5 million casualties.
  • Armistice Day

  • Treaty of Versailles

    In the treaty, the Germans had to admit World War I was their fault. They had to pay war reparations which ended up costing $31.4 billion, and they had to give back the land they took over.
  • Start of WWII

  • D-Day

    During D-Day, Canadian troops were sent out to capture Juno beach, the Us took over Omaha and Utah beach, and The british took over Gold and Sword beach.
  • Hitler's Suicide

  • VE Day