Rodolfo Mendiola was Born
Lourdes Mendiola was born
Lourdes and Rodolfo got married
Luis Antonio Valles was born
Maria Lourdes Mendiola was born
Maria and Family moved to East Texas
Maria and Family moved to Central Texas
Maria and her family moved to Central Texas in 1977 and this is when her brother, Rodolfo Felipe Mandiola was born. -
Maria and her family moved back to El Paso
Carmen Mendiola was born
Ronald Reagan was sworn into office
The Challenger Space Shuttle was launched
Imigration Amnesty
Exxon Valdez
This spilled 11 million galons of oil in Alaska -
The Berlin Wall was brought down
Desert Storm Started
U.S Begins Military Action against Iraq
Desert Storm ended
Maria and her Family moved to Chicago
Los Angeles Riots
Maria and Family moved back to El Paso
The Great Flood
The Great Pains Area was flooded -
NAFTA is passed
Maria married Carlos Hernandez
Maria and Carlos moved to Coperas Cove
Calos Hernandez got deployed to Kuwait
Carlos Hernandez came back to Coperas Cove
Maria gave birth to Angelina Lourdes Hernandez
Maria and her family moved to Fort Hood
Carlos Hernanez got deployed to Bosnia
Carlos Hernandez came back to Coperas Cove
Everyone thought it was the end of the world -
Maria gave birth to Annette Christina Hernandez
Carmen Mendiola married Luis Antonio Valles
The 9/11 attack on the twin towers
Brigida Quesada passed away
Brigida Quesada was the grandmother of Maria. -
Maria and her family moved back to El Paso
Maria went back to college
Maria got Divorced from Carlos
Maria met Waldir Nehemias Melendez
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Victims Get transported to UMC
Massive rain occured in El Paso Texas and created major flooding in the area. -
Maria Graduated with her RN from EPCC
Maria Started working at University Medical Center at El Paso
President Obama was Inagurated
He was the first African American President -
Maria bought her current home
Maria married Waldir
Border Violence
Violence from Juarez Mexico was spilling overto El Paso texas. At this time, the victims of were being transported to University Medical Center of El Paso -
Influx of Central Americans
People started going to UMC