second bank of the united states
founded by congress -
McCulloch v. Maryland
states do not have the power to tax federal institions -
Nominating conventions
where party member choose the parties canadiates. -
Jacksonian Democracy
expanding democracy -
Tariff of abomination
congress placedhigh tariffs on imports. and angry southerners called it this. -
a cherokee who used 86 characters to represent cherokee syllabus to create a writing system -
states rights doctrine
states that since the states had formed the national government, state power should be greater than federal power -
Democratic party
fored to support jackson's candidacy -
Kitchen Cabinet
an informal group of trusted advisers who sometimes met in the white house kitchen -
nullification crisis
trying to make tariffs invalid or just null -
removal act
authoring the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi river -
worchester v. georgia
the court ruled that the cherokee nation was a distinct community in which the laws of georgia had no force -
indian territory
planned to move native americans to oklahoma -
whig party
new political party to go against Andrew Jackson -
spoils system
the practice of giving government jobs to political backers -
Panic of 1837
a severe economic depression -
trail of tears
the cherokee's 800 mile forced march.