Conference Section 6 Group 3

  • Period: to

    Epidemics in Europe

    The sociopolitical, scientific, and military impacts of disease on Europe between 1648 and 1945.
  • King Louis XIV of France (1643-1715)

    King Louis XIV of France (1643-1715)
    Rigaud Hyacinthe, Louis XIV (1638-1715), 1701, 2.77m x 1.94m, Musee du Louvre King Louis XIV was a prominent figure in Europe, particularly in France. He regarded himself as the absolute monarch, whose power came directly from God. He took the emblem of the sun in order to create his image as the "Sun God". He is also known for reforming France in regards to promoting industrial growth, improve France's disorganized form of taxation and improved France's deficit.
  • Period: to

    Historic Figures of Europe

    This Timespan will focus on key historical figures of Europe from 1661 until 1945. The historical figures selected will be used to demonstrate how they were influential in playing a role in chaning Europe.
  • L'âge d'or de la peinture néerlandaise (

    L'âge d'or de la peinture néerlandaise (
    "La jeune fille à la perle" par Johannes Vermeer.
    L'àge d'or de la peinture néerlandaise a duré de 1630 à 1672 à peu près dans les Provinces Unies. Le style de peinture de cette période est baroque et réaliste. Beaucoup de portraits et de scènes de genre sont produits. Vermeer, Rembrandt et Haals sont des artistes majeurs de cette période. C'est une affirmation artistique de la dominance néerlandaise de l'Europe sur les plans économique, culturel et scientifique.
  • The great plague of London's impoverished

    The great plague of London's impoverished
    Excerpts from 1665 from the diary of Samuel Pepys, an English MP famous his diary. Pepys wrote from London, the centre of devastation, providing a firsthand chronicle of plague’s effects. However, sentiments like, “I have never lived so merrily as I have done this plague-time,” indicate that as a wealthy man, he was not impacted as intensely as the poor. Pepys reflects fondly on 1665, noting that his estate grew and he escaped the plague's sadness by sending his family away from London.
  • Peter the Great (1682-1725)

    Peter the Great (1682-1725)
    Peter the Great: What people thought of him
    Peter the Great was known for modernizing Russia by incorporating Western European culture. After visiting multiple cities in Western Europe, Peter the Great returned to Russia and began making changes to "modernize" the state. The link explains how Peter the Great was viewed by people of his time who met him during his trip to Western Europe.
  • Smallpox among Monarchs

    Smallpox among Monarchs
    An account of Queen Mary II’s final days from her physician Dr Harris in 1694, London. Its significance is twofold. First, it illustrates smallpox’s symptoms and how doctors treated it. Second, it shows how smallpox's effects were far-reaching as Mary's death brought the end of Stuart rule, the enactment of the Act of Settlement, and the beginning of Hanover rule. Smallpox had this same effect of killing rulers and disrupting stability on other kingdoms such as the Habsburgs.
  • Napoleon Buonaparte (1769-1821)

    Napoleon Buonaparte (1769-1821)
    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleon Code, Published at Paris, in 1804. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. Translation George Spence. London: Published by William Benning, Law Bookseller, 1827
    Napoleon was able to bring about change and influence not only on the European continent, but also around the world. The Civil Code is a perfect example how his legacy has affected the legal system in various countries around the world.
  • Le Néoclassicisme (

    Le Néoclassicisme (
    "Venus incite Hélène à tomber amoureuse de Paris" par Angelica Kauffmann. Le néoclassicisme est un mouvement qui dure de1760 à 1830 s'opposant à la période rococo. En France, en Allemagne et en Italie, les néoclassiques glorifient les gloires passées de l'Antiquité en s'inspirant de la période classique. Les jeux de lumière clair-obscur sont souvent explorés dans les peintures à l'huile néoclassique.Les peintres les plus importants de cette période sont David, Mengs et Ingres.
  • Typhus aids Russian victory

    Typhus aids Russian victory
    Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow, a painting by Adolph Northen depicting the failure of Napoleon’s campaign to invade Russia in 1812. This campaign failed largely because the troops were hit with a violent typhus epidemic, which killed 80,000 men in the first month alone. This defeat was significant as it was the beginning of Napoleon’s own demise, and it served as a warning for future armies of the devastating effects disease can have on a military campaign.
  • Otto von Bismarck

    Otto von Bismarck
    Otto von Bismarck 1866 - TextJames Harvey Robinson, ed., Readings in European History, 2 Vols., (Boston: Ginn and Co., 1904-1905), II:571-575; Otto von Bismarck, The Man and Statesman, (New York, 1899), II:48-51, Otto von Bismarck is known for wanting to create a unified German state under the leadership of the Prussian king: “… our task was the establishment or foundation of German national unity under the leadership of the King of Prussia.”
  • Le Romantisme (

    Le Romantisme (
    "La Grèce sur les ruines de Missolonghi" par Eugène Delacroix. Le romantisme apparaît en France, en Angleterre et en Espagne et dure à peu près de 1800 à 1850. Ce mouvement est caractérisé par la dépiction d'évènements contemporrains, de violence et d'exotisme. Les principaux peintres romantiques sont Delacroix, Goya, Géricault et Turner.La peinture romantique est une libération du choix de sujet dans la peinture. Delacroix, par exemple dénonce les atrocités que la Grèce subit par ses peintures.
  • “Miasma” during second cholera pandemic

    “Miasma” during second cholera pandemic
    Results of experiments published by pharmacist Charles Le Maout in 1833 during the Second Cholera Pandemic in Paris. Dr Le Maout conducted experiments testing “miasmatic air,” and determined that this was cholera was caused by bad air instead of biological factors. This theory was popular during the second pandemic of cholera, and prevention efforts undertaken were largely to cleanse the air of miasma. These efforts would have been ineffective, and some measures may have worsened sanitation.
  • Third cholera pandemic - Dr. John Snow, founding father of epidemiology

    Third cholera pandemic - Dr. John Snow, founding father of epidemiology
    A map of Soho, London released in 1854 by Dr. John Snow, a British epidemiologist, depicting the correlation between number of deaths and proximity to public water wells. Snow used this map to prove his theory that cholera was spread by tainted water, rather than the formerly widely accepted miasmatic theory. The third pandemic is seen as the most devastating, and it was this discovery by Snow that minimized its impact greatly.
  • L'impressionisme (

    L'impressionisme (
    "Place du Moulin de la Galette" par Auguste Renoir. L'impressionisme est un mouvement pictural qui se déploie principalement en France entre 1860 et 1910. Les impressionistes les plus importants sont Monet, Pissaro, Degas et Renoir. Le peintre impressioniste met l'emphase sur l'émotion du sujet et travaille beaucoup la lumière alors qu'il peint beacoup dehors, en ville ou dans la nature. L'impressionisme est un aperçu de la vie cosmopolitaine et industrielle des viles françaises.
  • Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

    Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
    Adolf Hitler Portrait from a rally in 1939
    The portrait displays Adolf Hitler, taken in 1939. Hitler is an important European leader widely known for starting the Holocaust and for leading the world into World War II.
  • Le Cubisme (

    Le Cubisme (
    "Les demoiselles d'Avignon" par Pablo Picasso. Le cubisme est un mouvement artistique instigué par Pablo Picasso et Georges Braque entre 1907 et 1914 en France et en Espagne. L'essence du cubisme réside dans la perspective et la rationalisation des objets par leur forme géométrique. Ce mouvement est avant-gardiste, il évolue dans un contexte de guerre et inspire différents mouvements artistiques en ouvrant la voie de l'abstraction.
  • 1918 Influenza in WWI France

    1918 Influenza in WWI France
    An excerpt from the diary of Harvey Cushing, an American doctor, dated Sunday, June 30 1918. Cushing provides an eyewitness account from the frontlines of France. Cushing perceives that the influenza, which hit allied troops in Flanders, may have reached the Germans as they had expected their arrival earlier.
  • Le surréalisme (

    Le surréalisme (
    "L'ange du foyer ou le triomphe du surréalisme" par Max Ernst. Le surréalisme est un mouvement artistique initié par André Breton, auteur du manifeste du surréalisme. Le mouvement est diffusé en Espagne en Allemagne en France principalement, par des créateurs majeurs tels que Dali, Chagall et Ernst. La peinture surréaliste est abstraite par son thème et sa forme, elle peut être mélangée au dessin ou au collage. Ce mouvement rebelle est d'avant garde et ainspiré des penseurs comme Freud et Hegel.
  • Winston Churchill (1874-1945)

    Winston Churchill (1874-1945)
    Churchill's Speech: "The Lights are Going Out"
    In Churchill's speech "The Lights are Going Out", he makes a plea to the USA to form an alliance and fight together to bring down Hitler's plan of invasion and anti-Semitism.