History 2018

  • 7 Factors of Americas Industrial Growth

    7 Factors of Americas Industrial Growth
    Natural Recourses: Raw materials like coal, iron, ore, timber-Fertile soil-> surplus agriculture---> industrial revolution-swift moving water= power & Transportation.
    Capital: Bank loans = start-up for factories and businesses- stable currency = safe buying and selling- corporations formed to raise money through the sale of stock.
    Labor supply: used to make goods- High birth rate- immigration from Europe and Asia- woman and children.
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    Civil War

    issue with slavery from 1861-1865
  • 3 Reconstruction plans

    Lincoln, Johnson, Radical Republican/Congress
  • Wade-Davis Bill

    banned former Confederates from holding public office
  • 3 Reconstruction Amendments

    13th, 14th, 15th
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    To create a plan that would help rebuild the south and bring back the south
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    Was to pull the last troops out of the south to end the reconstruction era
  • Closing of the frontier

    Closing of the frontier
    By 1890, the frontier was officially considered closed. Free land was no longer available to settlers moving west. Two waves of immigrants would come to settle America. Differences in culture as well as competition for jobs would create tension.
  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    Plessy VS Ferguson
    was a fight for equality (blacks and whites) like a drinking fountain, bathrooms, waiting rooms, ect.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement

    A struggle for social justice and blacks to gain equal rights under the law in the United States