history (1919-1939)

  • Great Depression

    The Great Depression was an event that caused the downfall of almost all economies. This was due to the US stock market crashing. This was important as this led to the increase in fascist and extreminism.
  • Manchuria crisis

    The Manchuria crisis was the invasion of China by Japan. This was due to the fact Manchuria was the city who traded with Japan which then Japan invaded them. This was one of the key foreshadowing moments of the LON being weak. Japan refused to leave Manchuria and the LON didn't have any enforcement.
  • World disarmenant conference

    The world disarmament conference was a conference to disarm and stop wars. However, due to Frances's fear of Germany they decided not to, and this caused multiple other countries to not wish to rearm. This caused a massive amount of distrust between multiple nations.
  • Hitler rearms

    Germany Rearmament was when Hitler decided to make their air force. Even though the treaty of Versailles no one defended the treaty leaving Hitler to rearm. This was an important moment in history as it caused fear and led to the invasion of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.
  • Hitler was appointed Chancellor

    When Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany it was the start of his advances to take over all of Europe. He spread his ideals, and this caused many problems in the future. This event was important as it would end with the treaty of Versailles being torn apart.
  • Failed Anschluss

    The failed Anschluss was Germany's invasion of Austria. They were stopped by Italy due to the threat Italy felt they were to their future. This was important as it was a showing of Hitler wanting to invade and takeover.
  • Italy invades abyssinia

    Italy invaded Abyssinia for their own interest and gain. The Lon did try to interfere, but Italy left, and this was the moment Italy left the LON. This was important as it was an example of ways the LON couldn't keep the peace.
  • Spanish civil war

    The Spanish civil war was the coup of nationalist vs the government. When Spain asked for help from the LON they made the non-interference community. However, Germany and Italy interfered for their own motives. The Lon even though this was not considered a national matter they did nothing.
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    The Anti-Comintern Pact is Germany and Japan coming together to face the communist forces. This then included Italy. Now this was important as it showed all over the countries who left the Lon coming together as a group this could be a threat to all nations.
  • Munich conference

    The Munich conference was one of the saddest conferences. Germany was trying to invade Czech supposedly due to the large number of Germans. Britian and France tried to appease to Germany giving them a peace. Czech was not even in this conference. This led to Hitler realizing how weak France and Britian were and their fear.
  • Hitler takes the rest of Czechslovokia

    Hitler after seeing how weak France and Britian were and their appeasing, he called their bluff and took the rest of Czechoslovakia with USSR. This was a key moment in the demise of the LON Hitler lied and they did nothing to stop him.