History - 1900-2001

  • Period: to


  • Q-Tips

    Leo Gerstenzang had took his wife's invention and put it on the market. The real name for Q-Tips used to be called Baby Gays.
  • Band Aids

    Band Aids
    The Band-Aid was invented by a man called Earle Dickson. The reason why he invented the band-aid because his wife Josephine Dickson be cutting herself every day.
  • The Lie Detector

    The Lie Detector
    John A. Larson was the inventer of the lie detector test. He was a medical student when he invented the test in Califorina.
  • Bulldozer

    The Bulldozer was invented by Engineer Benjamin Holt. He bulit a crawling tracter which he called the caterpillar. LaPlant-Choate Manufacturing Company had produced the first bulldozer in 1923.
  • Liquid Fueled Rocket

    Liquid Fueled Rocket
    The Liquid-Fueled Rocket was invented by Robert Goddard. The North American Space Association still use it today.
  • Kool Aid

    Kool Aid
    Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins of Omaha, Nebraska. The original name was called Fruit Smack.
  • Snow Mobile

    Snow Mobile
    Joseph-Armand Bombardier creates the modern snowmobile