History 1800-1876

  • President- Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson went into office as President
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark make their way through the Rockies and reach the Pacific
  • President- James Madison

    James Madison went into office as President
  • War of 1812

  • The Turks

    The Turks recapture Belgrade and sell thousands of Serb women and children into slavery
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Britain and the United States sign the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812
  • President- James Monroe

    James Monroe went into office as President
  • Florida

    Spain sells Florida to the USA for $5 million, in return for the waiving of any American claim to Texas
  • President- John Quince Adams

  • President- Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson went into office as President
  • Alamo

    Sam Houston destroys a Mexican army near the San Jacinto River, completing the seizure of Texas from Mexico. Alamo begins
  • President- Martin Van Buren

  • President- William Henry Harrison

    Died 31 days into his term making him the first president to die in office.
  • President- John Tyler

  • President- James K. Polk

  • Mexican-American War

    President Polk sends a US army into Texas, provoking the Mexican-American War
  • Gold Rush

    Gold on the Sacramento River in California, and news of it launches the first gold rush
  • President- Zachary Taylor

  • President- Millard Fillmore

  • Compromise of 1850

  • President- Franklin Pierce

  • President- James Buchanan

  • Pony Express

    Mail is carried by horse relay from Missouri to California, traveling 2000 miles in ten days in the service known as the Pony Express
  • President- Abraham Lincoln

  • President- Andrew Johnson

  • President- Ulysses S. Grant