thirteenth Amendment
made slavery illegal in the US -
Freedman's Bureau
the freedman's bureau was established by the government as a war agency that was established in 1865 to assists freed slaves in obtaining relief,land ,jobs ,fair treatment and education.. -
1866 civil rights act
federal law that makes everone born in the united states citizens and makes job discrimination on the basis of race illegal -
Fourteenth amendment
Provides equal protection for all citizens and requires due process in state action -
Ku Kluk Klan
opposed civil rights and african americans -
Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan
a government would pardon all Confederates
as soon as that would happen, a Confederate State could form a new state government and send a representative and a senator to Congress -
reconstruction acts
passed by radical republicans
divided south into five military districts
more rights for African Americans -
an "indictment" for public official having broken the law -
Fifteenth amendment
gave african americans the right to vote -
Jay cooke
major investor in railroads and the largest finacier of the unions civil war -
According to the lecture, high infant mortality rates among the African American population could be attributed to: -
civil rights act of 1875
it was unconstitontional -
Compromise of 1877
The election of 1877 between Hayes and Tilden ended in a tie So in 1877, congress tried to break the deadlock by creating a special electoral commission to judge the votes
The Special electoral commission was made up of 7 Democrats and 8 Republicans -
Jim Crow/jim crow laws
a body of state laws that created racial segregation -
Plessy v. Ferguson
Homer Plessy defied a LA law segregating Railroad Cars (1890). In 1896, the US Supreme Court issued Plessy V. Ferguson which held in its notorious “Separate but Equal”