2000 BCE
historical writing called vedas was created
it was rich in meagical practices charms and herbal remedies -
1000 BCE
Asclepius- god of medical art
Temples were healing resorts
• Patients would take baths
• Get a certain diet
• Rest
• Fast for days
• They would hope that Aesclepius would appear at night while they slept and heal them with his snake encircled staff Greece considered the heart of most acknowledged medical models Had a staff with two snakes on it called caduceus -
500 BCE
• “Do good or at least do no harm”
• “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”
• Hippocratic Oath
• The Four Humors
• Wrote at least 3 books on bones and joints -
brith of Franz Anton mesmer
formation of the natrupathic societies
In the 1800’s practitioners from several medical disciplines combined to form the first naturopathic societies -
Death of Franz Anton mesmer
birth of DD palmer
in peterborough canada -
immigration of DD palmer to USA
Worked as schoolteacher, horticulturist, beekeeper, owned grocery store -
term allopathy
Term used up until 1876 invented by creator of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann reference to the harsh medical practices of his era • Allos = opposite
• Pathos = suffering -
birth BJ
• Bartlett Joshua Palmer (B.J)
• Born Joshua Bartlett on birth
• Born September 14, 1882
• 1902 graduated from Palmer College aged 20
• Was thought of as the “developer” of chiropractic
• “Early to bed, early to rise. Work like hell and advertise” -
DD palmer practicing magnetic healing in Daveport
Advertised extensively Learned of magnetic healing from Dr. Paul Caster in Burlington, IA -
coined the term naturopathy
• Term naturopathy was coined in 1892 by John Scheel -
Period: to
DD practise magnetic heal thing and chiro, almost dies and incorporates the chiro school and infirmary
• He noticed that his success was far beyond what it had been with
magnetic healing and the results were far more lasting
• Felt that what he had discovered was so simple that he was afraid that someone might steal it from him and become a competitor (decided to keep it a family secret)
• D.D is almost killed in a train accident which prompts him to want to pass on his healing methods?
• First student was LeRoy Baker
• D.D incorporates the Chiropractic School and Infirmary -
Discovery of chiropractic
Harvey Lillard, a deaf man, was the first person to receive an adjustment on September 18, 1895; his hearing was restored.
done in the ryan building The word “chiropractic” was suggested by the Rev. Samuel Weed; it is from Greek words meaning “done by hand” -
purchasing of the naturopathy
purchased by Benedict Lust, the “father of naturopathy” in 1896 -
Chiropractic was named
The word “chiropractic” was suggested by the Rev. Samuel Weed; it is from Greek words meaning “done by hand” Weed studied Greek and Hebrew
Cheir = Hand
Praktos = done by -
Mabel palmer- first lady of chiro graduated
A recognised authority on anatomy and an instructor at the school for more than 30 years -
BJ buys x-ray unit
spinography introduced at PSC
Bj coined spirograph
Thomas Giles travels to NZ by boat
Set about finding out everything he could about Chiropractic • He was supplied with books and lectures from Palmer School • He studied these and put into practice what he read
• First started practicing in Waiwera, south of Dunedin
• Eventually moved to Dunedin and his practice kept growing
• Decided to attend Palmer School -
Kansas Act
• First Chiropractic Licencing Act
• Stated that it was the “states responsibility to define chiropractic” -
BJ runs DD over in his car
Refusing to ride in B.J’s car, although invited to, D.D grabbed an
American flag and tried to lead the parade on foot
• In the confusion, he was apparently hit by B.J’s car
• D.D claimed “the car had bumped him and knocked him over, and he was seriously injured, from which injury he never expected to recover”
• However he was able to leave the next day by train to California -
John good enrolled in chiro school
Giles persuaded another Irish immigrant, John Good, a shoe merchant, to go to Palmer too and study Chiropractic and enlist someone to mind Giles’ practice so he could go and study John Good enrolled 13 October 1913 (32 days travel) Henry Otterholt from Wisconsin accepted the offer and made his way
to Dunedin after graduating on March 30 1914
• John Good graduated 21 October 1914 and built a successful practice in Indiana -
DD dies in los angeles
He died at home in Los Angeles on October 20, 1913 6 weeks later of typhoid fever -
Dossa evans developed the neurocalometer
NZ chiro association founded
(longest-standing chiropractic association to date) It is a voluntary, self-regulating, supervisory body serving both the chiropractic profession and the public of New Zealand. -
introduction of standing lumbopelvic radiographs
Joy Loban, President of Universal College introduces the standing lumbo-pelvic radiograph to see the effects of gravity on the spine. palmer excepted these until late 1930 -
Bj introduced the neurocalometer at Lyceum
First model was $3500 (the price of a house!)
• Could only be acquired by a ten year lease
• “Only scientifically valid method of detecting spinal subluxations” – practicing without it was unethical
• By 1928 imitators came out with a cheaper model $250 • 1924 – Approx 3000 • 1926 – Approx 300 -
Period: to
morris Fishbein M.D.
"Medical Mussolini” Began 50 year campaign of propaganda against Chiropractors
• “Chiropractic is the malignant tumour on the body of Osteopathy.. Osteopathy.. Entering medicine by the back door. Chiropractic.. Through the cellar” • Luckily, chiropractic was recognised as a separate healing art at the time of federal approval of the AMA as the only accrediting body. Therefore, chiropractic did not fall under their jurisdiction. -
The Knee Chest along with the Toggle Recoil table were created
Dr. Ivan Nolan graduated palmer
• Father invented the cervical break adjustment
Started up Nolan Chiropractic Clinic in 1928 in Wanganui -
Code of ethics stated by the NZ chiro association
Development of Grostic
Developed by Dr. John F. Grostic (1946) When Dr. Grostic died in the early '60s, the group split, eventually becoming N.U.C.C.A., Orthospinology, and Atlas Orthogonal work. -
Head Clamps PSC
• J. Clay Thompson patents his 3D swiveling chair, head clamps and tilting bucky under the name of spinographic methods and apparatus. • Also develops the Thompson Drop table at the Clearview Sanitarium -
Period: to
Billl hyde president
Dr. JOhn Nolan graduated from palmer
John started at Palmer in 1952 and graduated 1953 Was known as BJ – “Big John”
• Knew BJ Palmer
• Called him “different”
• Described him as a businessman first (at that time school was
running on money from NCM leases)
• Remembers him riding elephants up the street Makes filters in his garage and exports them -
Chiropractor’s Act passed after months of lobbying passed
New Zealand was the first country to have established legislation to govern the profession. -
BJ Death
• Was thought of as the “developer” of chiropractic
• Died in May 27th 1961 from bladder cancer
• “Early to bed, early to rise. Work like hell and advertise” -
David Daniel palmer took over palmer
Considered himself “The Educator”
• Changes “Palmer School of Chiropractic” to “Palmer College of Chiropractic”
• Palmer goes from profit to non- profit status because Dave wants federal funds
• Believed that the reason Chiropractic was second-class in healthcare was because “we don’t have the same education as everyone else (MD’s)” -
Chiropractic board established
• Chiropractic Board established in 1962 to officially regulate Chiropractic -
development of Homeopathy
Samuel Hahnemann, MD in 1796 based on his doctrine of “like cures like” -
First day of classes at the NZCA School of Chiropractic
• Greys Avenue in Auckland Led by founding CEO, Dr. Jim Stinear
• Lecturers: Dr.’s Jim Stinear, Phil McMaster and Bernadette Murphy -
Dr herb reaver- The jaibird died
The name of the school was changed to the New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Approval of programme by JEC for period of 3 years
• The qualification was renamed the Bachelor of Chiropractic (BChiro) and moved from the double degree programme to the current one plus four year programme, with most students undertaking their pre-requisite studies through the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Diploma in Applied Science. Chiropractic Board decided not to accept registration of NZ trained Chiropractors • As a result, a student mounted a legal challenge to the Board’s decision -
chiropractic is under the Health practitioners competence assurance act
In the 2000’s, chiropractors were regulated by the Chiropractic Board of New Zealand under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003. -
re-accreditation from CCEA
The College achieved re-accreditation with the CCEA in 2007 and in the same year moved to its new purpose built campus in Mount Wellington. Purpose built facility • Gym
• Student lounge
• Chiropractic Centre • Bigger classrooms