
  • S/E- Hitler joins the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)

    S/E- Hitler joins the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis)
    Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the nazi party in 1919. Before Hitler joined the party it had only consisted of ten people. But, after he joined hundreds of other followers had also joined the party. Hitler became leader of the party in 1921.
  • S- Treaty of Versailles is signed

    S- Treaty of Versailles is signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was negotiated between January and June 28, 1919 in Paris and was written by the Allies with almost no participation from Germany. This treaty ended world war I, reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. Germany’s government signed the treaty under protests and the Right- Wing German parties attacked it as if it was a betrayal. In the end the U.S refused to ratify the treaty.
  • S- Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy- 1920's

    S- Mussolini forms the Fascist Party in Italy- 1920's
    In the early 1920’s Benito Mussolini, an Italian political leader, began his Fascist party and movement in Italy. Mussolini gave speeches that stated that the country of Italy needed a dictator to rule the country and a strong leader that could overcome the country's post war unemployment, political party conflicts and strikes by the communists and socialists. Mussolini wanted to create a new way to unify the Italian people.
  • P- Washington Naval Conference

    P- Washington Naval Conference
    On December 13th, 1921 the largest naval powers in the world, United states, Great Britain, Japan and France, to discuss naval disarmament. the conference was international but held in Washington DC to limit the arms race and work out security agreements in the Pacific area. In the end the conference resulted in drafting and signing of several major and minor treaty agreements.
  • S- Mussolini threatens to march on Rome

    S- Mussolini threatens to march on Rome
    On October 27th, 1922 Mussolini and the National Fascist Party marched to Rome as a way to show importance and their power that the group holds over Italy, this march marked the beginning of the Fascist rule. they wanted to capture strategic local places throughout Italy. The goal of this march was for Mussolini and the Fascist party were the most important political party in Italy.It is called a transfer of power within the framework of the constitution. The march ended on October 29th,1922.
  • P/S- Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government

    P/S- Hitler attempts to overthrow the Weimar government
    On November 8th 1923, Hitler and the Nazi Party attempted to overthrow the Weimar Government. Hitler wanted to overthrow the government because he didn’t agree with what they were doing to help germany out of economic crisis and he wanted to spread his ideology. His plan to overthrow the government in Munich was unsuccessful though and Hitler was arrested and imprisoned for 9 months because of treason.
  • S- Hitler goes to prison and writes Mein Kampf

    S- Hitler goes to prison and writes Mein Kampf
    After the failed “Putsch Beer Hall” Hitler was convicted of treason and sentenced to 5 years in Landbergs prison but ended up only serving 9 months. During his trial, Hitler’s popularity grew because his defense speeches were in the newspapers. During the time he was in prison he wrote his book, “Mein Kampf” this is an autobiography he wrote where he talking about his process to becoming anti semitic and describes his ideology for the future of Germany.
  • P- Kellogg Briand Pact

    P- Kellogg Briand Pact
    The Kellogg Briand Pact was created on August 27th, 1928. It was a mutual agreement that attempted to eliminate war as an instrument of national policy and that all international disputes be settled peacefully. The pact was signed in Paris, France. There were 15 nations involved in signing the Pact some were, Frace, United States and the United Kingdom.
  • E- Great depression ends in Germany

    E- Great depression ends in Germany
    In most of the 1920’s Germany fell into a great depression. After World War I and the treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay a lot in reparations to France and Great Britain. Paying these large reparations caused economic crisis. To deal with the economic problems France occupied Ruhr Valley because Germany was unable to pay the reparations and America loaned Germany money to get them out of economic crisis. The great depression officially ended in 1929
  • E- Japan occupies Manchuria, China

    E- Japan occupies Manchuria, China
    Japan had gone into a depression and was becoming very crowded due to its limited size as a nation and the increasing population. On September 19, 1831 Japan attacked Manchuria without a declaration of war which disobeyed the League of Nations. China tried to beg the league of nations to make japan give them their land back but since Japan was in debt there was not much they could do. This event ruined the League of Nations credibility.
  • P- Hitler places second in German national elections for president

    P- Hitler places second in German national elections for president
    In February 1932 President Paul Von Hindenburg was 92 years old but decided to run for re-election for president. In this election, Adolf Hitler also decided to run but lost to the current President of Germany. Even though he lost he knew that most likely Hindenburg would die soon which would give him a chance to seize power.
  • P- Geneva Disarmament Conference

    P- Geneva Disarmament Conference
    The Geneva Disarmament Conference was from 1932 to 1934. It was a conference between sixty countries to consider making reductions to armaments. The people mostly involved in the conference was the League of Nations. Germany demanded that all other countries lower their armaments to german levels and if they didn’t Germany should be allowed to bring their arms up again.
  • P- Germany withdraws from League of Nations

    P- Germany withdraws from League of Nations
    Germany withdrew from the League of Nations because they were tired of not getting equal rights from the league. The main thing that caused them to want to withdraw was that the western powers were not accepting Germany’s demands for military Parity. The official date of Germany’s withdraw was October 14th, 1933. This also caused the World Disarmament conference.
  • P- President von Hindenburg dies

    P- President von Hindenburg dies
    Although German President Paul Von Hindenburg was re- elected he was very old and could not do much as president. Once he died at age 94 on August 2nd, 1934 Hitler took over and soon abolished the office of president. He then declared himself as Führer of the german people which ultimately means that he is a dictator for Germany.
  • P- Hitler merges offices chancellor & president

    P- Hitler merges offices chancellor & president
    . In January 1933 Hitler was named chancellor of Germany but this was not enough for Hitler. In February of 1933 he blamed a Reichstag fire on the communists and convinced the president to sign a decree that suspended individual and civil liberties which would silence his political enemies. Finally on August 19, 1934 Hitler brought in a 90 percent majority vote and was labeled dictator.
  • P- Mussolini invades Ethiopia

    P- Mussolini invades Ethiopia
    Ethiopia was one of the few independent states in Africa. In october of 1935 there was a conflict concerning Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland, Mussolini wanted a reason to invade the land so he could claim the land, this conflict gave Mussolini a reason to invade. Mussolini wanted to gain as much land as possible because he had adopted Hitler’s plans of expanding Germany, so he wanted to expand to gain more territories that could be considered as Italy.
  • S/E- Hitler militarizes the Rhineland

    S/E- Hitler militarizes the Rhineland
    Beginning in January of 1936 Hitler began making plans to re-occupy the Rhineland territory. Hitler argued that the move to the Rhineland was to be done as a defensive strategy. Early on the morning of March 7th, 1936 32,000 German Soldiers entered Rhineland. during this time, French were on the verge of elections and the british politicians assumed germany was re claiming what used to be theirs
  • S- Italy withdraws from League of Nations

    S- Italy withdraws from League of Nations
    In 1937, Italy withdrew from the league of nations shortly after Germany did. After meeting with Hitler and discussing things, Mussolini realized that becoming allies with Germany would also lead Italy to greatness. Another reason Italy left was the League of nations imposed economic sanctions on Italy for invading Abyssinia, which was against Versailles.
  • S- Japanese invasion of China

    S- Japanese invasion of China
    The Japanese invasion of China occurred because China began resisting the expansion of Japanese influence in Chinese territory, The Japanese army attacked the Chinese but the Chinese didn’t want to fight back because they knew the Japanese just wanted a reason to to invade Manchuria. the war began on July 7th 1937 to September 2nd, 1945. the main reason for evasion was that the Chinese sabotaged the railways and had recently executed a Japanese spy.
  • P- Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria

    P- Hitler and Nazi Germany annex Austria
    Austrian Chancellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg met with the Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in hopes of gaining back independence for his country. Instead of this he was bullied into adding several top Austrian Nazis to his cabinet. He also gave into the pressure of the Nazis and resigned on March 11, 1939. In his resignation speech he stated that austrian forces should not resist any german advance in their country. On March 12, 1938 Hitler and his troops marched into Germany to annex a new nazi government.
  • E- Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland

    E- Hitler and Nazi Germany gain Sudetenland
    Hitler had threatened to take Sudetenland by force which is a region of Czechoslovakia that is a home to many ethnic germans. The Czechoslovakian government resisted but their allies Britain and France were determined to avoid wars so they were willing to negotiate with Hitler. The final agreement was that they accept the terms or resist the Nazis on their own so Sudetenland abandoned and the Nazis took over. Later in the spring of 1939 the Nazis also seized the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • P- Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia

    P- Hitler occupies Czechoslovakia
    On March 15th, 1939 Hitler threatened Emile Hatch, the Czech president that if she didn’t allow a German free army passage into the Czech borders he would bomb Prague, the capital of Czech. His wish eventually came true and was allowed to have the German forces march into Czechoslovakia.
  • A- Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini

    A- Hitler signs alliance with Mussolini
    The Pact of Alliance was signed on May 22, 1939 between Germany and Italy in Berlin, Germany. This formalized the 1936 Rome-Berlin Axis agreement which linked the two countries politically and militarily. It was signed by Adolf Hitler from Germany and Benito Mussolini from Italy.They all realized that they all had domination in different ways. Germany over most of continental Europe, Italy over the Mediterranean sea, and Japan over east Asia and Pacific.
  • P/S- Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact

    P/S- Hitler and Stalin sign Non-Aggression Pact
    The Non-Aggression Pact was an agreement signed in Poland by Hitler (leader of Germany) and Stalin (leader of the Soviet Union) that stated that the two countries wouldn’t take military action on each other for 10 years, this was surprising at the time because the two were enemies. Stalin thought of the agreement as a way to keep his nation on peaceful terms with Europe on the verge to getting involved in another war.
  • P- Germany invades Poland

    P- Germany invades Poland
    On September 1st, 1939 Germany invaded Poland because they wanted the land that they lost due to the Treaty of Versailles back. Germany bombarded Poland with forces on the ground and in the air. They used bombing early on to destroy their capacity, railroads, communication lines and ammunition dumps.
  • P- Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany

    P- Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany
    On September 3rd 1939 Britain and France declared war on Germany because of the harsh invasion of Poland, At the time Britain and France were allied with Poland so they felt betrayed by Poland.
  • E- France surrenders and is occupied by nazi Germany

    E- France surrenders and is occupied by nazi Germany
    During May of 1940 Marshal Henri Petain was appointed to vice premier of France. Petain And the rest of French government had arranged a truce to stop fighting with the Nazis just six weeks after the Nazis had launched their invasion of Western Europe. This truce also known as an armistice was signed by the French of June 22 and went into effect on June 25, 1940 also took place in the lower countries of France.
  • S/P- Japan Italy and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact

    S/P- Japan Italy and Germany sign the Tripartite Pact
    In Berlin, Germany on September 27th, 1940, the Tripartite Pact was signed between Japan, Italy and Germany. the Tripartite Pact was a pact that provided mutual assistance if any of the other nations should suffer attack by any other nation not already involved in the war. The Pact was created mainly for protection but also to try to persuade the United States, who was neutral at the time, from not joining sides with the Allies.