
  • steam engin

    steam engin is any engine that is operated by the energy of expanding steam.
  • 1750

    landlords in the scottish highlinds to forcebly remove tenants from there lands
  • 1760

    george the 3rd sucseeds his grandfather george the 2nd
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    first fleet

    in may 1787 captain Athur Philip lea fleet of convicts to Australia
  • boer war

    around 16,000 australians volentiered to fight for britain against duch.
  • gattling gun

    In 1861, Doctor Richard Gatling patented the Gatling Gun, a six-barreled weapon capable of firing a (then) phenomenal 200 rounds per minute. The Gatling gun was a hand-driven, crank-operated, multi-barrel, machine gun. The first machine gun with reliable loading, the Gatling gun had the ability to fire sustained multiple bursts.
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    gold rush

    the greatest gold rush in usa history began with the discovery of gold by james marshall at sutters mill in california.
  • melbourne cup

    In 1861, at the first running of the Melbourne Cup, the race club committee could hardly have envisaged the Cup lasting a century and a half and growing to become a significant part of our social and sporting culture.
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    american civil war

    the Amarican civil war took more lifes than any other war in history brother fought against brother and it divided the usa in two.
  • coca cola

    Coca-Cola began it's existance in a three-legged brass pot in the backyard of John S. Pemberton on May 8, 1886. Pemberton was a pharmacist trying to create a new headache tonic. Pemberton took his creation to the now famous Jacob's Pharmacy (pictured below), about 2 blocks from his home. There the syrup was mixed with cold tap water and sold to ailing customers for 5 cents. As the story goes, a customer in great pain came in and ordered the syrup and the soda jerk accidentally mixed it with c
  • rosetta stone

    Before the Ptolemaic era (that is before about 332 BC), decrees in hieroglyphs such as this were usually set up by the king. It shows how much things had changed from Pharaonic times that the priests, the only people who had kept the knowledge of writing hieroglyphs, were now issuing such decrees. The list of good deeds done by the king for the temples hints at the way in which the support of the priests was ensured.
  • triple allience

    In 1871 two new major states of Europe had been formed—the German Empire and the kingdom of Italy. The new German Empire, under the hand of Otto von Bismarck, was steered carefully, always with an eye upon France, for the Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) had left France thirsting for revenge and for recovery of the lost provinces of Alsace and Lorraine.
  • light bulb

    Man-made electrical lighting itself began in circa 1810 when a chemist in England called Humphrey Davy (who also invented the miner’s safety lamp, known as the Davy lamp) invented the arc light. This worked by connecting a battery (itself invented in 1800 by Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta, with the word volts being a derivative of his name) to two wires, and attaching the other ends of the wires to a strip of charcoal. The charcoal (which is a form of carbon remember) became electrical
  • triple entount

    The Three Emperors' League died a slow death, but in 1890 its day was over: Germany refused to renew its reinsurance treaty with Russia, and Russia in consequence sought a rapprochement with France. At the same time France, face to face with an increasingly powerful Germany and a hostile Central European combination, felt great need of an ally, and French diplomats began to make overtures to Russia for an agreement to counterbalance the Triple Alliance. French capital aided Russian projects, esp
  • model t ford

    Ford is often quoted as saying "I will build a motorcar for the great multitude". At the time it was a revolutionary business model to lower a product's cost and the company's profit margin in exchange for increased sales volume. Up until this point in time the automobile had been a status symbol and cars were painstakingly built by hand for the wealthy. By the end of 1913 Ford's application of the moving assembly line had improved the speed of chassis assembly from 12 hours and eight minutes to
  • moroaoo crissis

    The Morocco crisis of 1911 arose out of the dispatch of the German gunboat Panther to Agadir on July 1. The ostensible ground for this action was the request of German firms in Agadir for protection in the disordered state of the country. But inasmuch as there were no German subjects at Agadir and the port was not open to Europeans, it was clear that the real motive was a desire to reopen the whole question. The German Government resented the complete failure of the convention of 1899, and deter
  • agadir crisis

    Crisis of 1911 when the German gunboat Panther visited this Moroccan port, ostensibly to protect the lives of German citizens and deter the French from annexing Morocco. The visit was interpreted by the French as an attempt to subvert agreements reached at the Algeciras Conference and by Britain as a threat to Gibraltar and British trade routes. The crisis ended with Germany's acceptance of territory in the Congo in return for recognition of France's claim to Morocco.
  • titanic

    The world's interest in the fascinating history of Titanic has endured for almost 100 years. April 15, 2005 will mark the 93rd anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic ship and although it has been nearly a century since the infamous luxury liner sank in the Atlantic Ocean, there continues to be a thirst for information regarding Titanic facts, myths and legends.
  • federation of australia

    Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901. The British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  • mexico revolution

    Throughout its history Mexico has had many revolutions. The most famous perhaps is the Mexican Revolution from 1910-1920