
  • paris peace comference

    finalized at the Paris Peace Conference, was opened on January 18, 1919
  • Germans demonstration against the Treaty

    The Germans werent happy with the conditions of The Treaty of Versailles so they protested against it.
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

    signed By Allied Powers, Countries including Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil,China, Ecuador,Panama,Peru and many countries part of the British Empire like Australia and New Zealand
  • First meeting

    Setup as an international police force.Germany was not invited until they showed that it was a safe and peacful country.
  • French and Belgians takes over Ruhr

    Germany fell behind on its reperation payments in 1922, in 1923 France and Belgium took what germany owed them in force of raw materials and goods.
  • Hitler rebuilds germany's army

    Recieved approval for his actions when he rebuilt Germany's armed forces.