Histories of Resource Management

  • Origins of the Family (hmihalek)

    The family has been around since the dawn of time.
  • Pre-Industrial Revolution (hmihalek)

    Pre-Industrial revolution refers the social changes that had to be implanted for the Industrial Revolution to take flight (Wikipedia, 2023).
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution is characterized by the boom of industry. Industry changed the traditional family unit because it removed the autonomous nature of the family unit. The family had to outsource their needs to get from the factor (Britannica).
  • Ellen Swallows Richards

    Ellen Swallows Richards
    Ellen Swallows Richards combined the sciences and family resources to create Family and Consumer Science. She saw that this was a need that humans needed. She was the pioneer for Family and Consumer Sciences (Moore & Asay, 2021).
  • World War I

    World War deployed most men in order to fight. This left women to manage the resources on their own. Many women obtain jobs to keep society running while the men were deployed.
  • Feminist Perspective

    The feminist perspective brought attention to the lack of equal pay and opportunities that were suffered by women. This changed the family unit. Society saw more dual household families and a decrease in stay at home wife's.
  • Women were granted the right to vote.

    Congress passed Amendment 19 to grant women the right to vote. This allows the women "power" within the family.
  • World War II

    Men were deployed to fight this war. This forced many women to need to take the vacant jobs in order to keep society running.
  • The rise of technology

    This changed the way families related to each other. The cellphone allowed the families access to one another 100% of the time.
  • The birth of Facebook

    The birth of Facebook
    Facebook was released to the public, which changed the way that world communicated. Social media has a negative effect on marriage satisfaction.