Histories of Families and Family Resource Management

  • Period: 5000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Prehistoric Era (3000 BCE)

    hunter-gatherer groups and managing resources was emphasized during this time and families had to collect resources together
  • 700 BCE

    Early Greek and Rome

    Early Greek and Rome
    Families were largely influential in the family resource management era. They had much emphasis on the men being dominant in the household and looking after the entire family.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Early Modern Period

    Mercantalism and capitalism began to rise, families would engage in trade and managed both household and business resources. Industrialization begins to takes place.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    Industrialization changed family dynamics and many families were working in factories and household wages to live were becoming the norm.
  • Period: to

    Late 19th century

    The concept of having two parents with their children within a household was prevalent. A wife, husband and children was the norm and the husband was the main one providing for the family.
  • Period: to

    Early 20th Century

    The Great Depression/Wars had significant changes in family dynamics and resources, resources would be scarce and husbands would often be gone for long periods of time from being enlisted.
  • Ellen Richards Swallows

    Ellen Richards Swallows
    She was the first women to attend Massachusetts Instutution of Technology. She also started the Rumford Kitchen and helped significantly with home economics and nutrition. She was considered the woman to go to when wanting to know how to run a home the right way.
  • Mid 1940s

    The Family development theory was present during this time, and families typically did not seperate even when the children grew older and got married, and there were not many families that were not of married couples with or without children.
  • Period: to

    Post War Era

    The rise of consumer culture influences much of resource management and budgeting and financial planning was also increased as the economy got back on its feet. Families were separated more often.
  • Period: to

    Modern times

    Technology advancements and globalization has completely transformed family management. The two parent households decline and continue to decline and families are much smaller now and often are ran by single parents or divorcies. Birthrates also are decreasing and the idea of a family is not the same as it was in the times before.
  • works cited

    works cited