Treaty of Versailles signed
The Treaty of Versailles ended World War One and imposedheavy reparations payments on Germany -
Nineteenth Amendment ratified
The Washington Conference is Held
the United States convenes the Washington Conference, attended by Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, and Portugal. -
Benito Mussolini is Made Italian Premier
Vladimir Lenin Dies
The Locarno Pacts are Signed
The Locarno Pacts are signed in efforts to stabilize relations with Germany and its neighbors. -
The Spanish Monarchy is Overthrown and The Republic Is Born
Period: to
The final League of Nations Disarmament Conference is Held
Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
President Paul von Hindenburg declares Hitler chancellor, the first major step in Hitler's ascent to dictatorship. -
The Spanish Nationalists Begin the Spanish Civil War
Generals Goded, Mola, and Francisco Franco lead troops in rebellion against the republic, beginning the Spanish Civil War. -
The Spanish Civil War Ends
Madrid falls to Francisco Franco's forces. -
German Invasion of Poland