The revolution war
This was a war between the British and Americans, if the British won the convicts would go to America but if the American won the British government would have to leave for go and there would no war between them -
The gaols
Everyone was coming to England due to war illness and death. Everyone went to gaol because they stole and the gaols were all getting full. They needed a plan to stop the gaols getting full -
The first fleet
In 1788, 11 ship came to a giant land called New Holland which is know as Australia today. They came with hundreds of kids, men and women, some were convict they were people who stole. -
The gold rush
People from other countries were coming like Asia and America for the gold rush. The wanted to " strick it rich " and find precious gold. -
The Eurka Stockade
All the miners were angry about there law about the tickets so they burnt them on that day and raised there own flag. The was a big war against the soldiers and the men women and kids, 14 soldiers and a100 miners died -
The white Australian policy
In 1901, Australia finally became a own country and couldn't be ruled over. The British government own Australia for years just because they found it. Plus the aborigines were here billions of year before us. Now the British couldn't rule over and we were free. -
World war 1
In 1914, there was a war between British and Australia and New Zealand. Our team was the Australia and New Zealand and there's was Britisn. ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Amy Corps. This was our first ever war and many men were hurt, kidnapped and most of them die and we shall remember them. -
World war 2
This was Australia second war and it was between us and New Zealand and the German. Again ANZAC is hale on that day to remember the soldiers. Many were killed, kidnapped, suffering and were wounded. In camberra the Poppies that are there are in remembrance and the soldiers that died.