Horac Mann
Horace Mann, was the 1st appointed secretary to this board of Education in Massachusetts. throughout the northern states schools became unified. Mann was referred to as the "Father of American Education." To Mann education and freedom were inextricably linked and everyone needed to learn self-discipline. -
Brown vs The Board of Education
Topeka, Kansas Segregation was happening in schools Black from whites. This Case made it so this was no longer legal. All children could go to the same schools and this meant no more long bus rides or inadequate school conditions they would have to fund both schools with federal money. Less money was spent on Black schools at the time making the schools not equal as the previous law had required. (separate but equal), Making it much easier to overturn. -
Individuals with Disibilities Education Act (IDEA)
The individuals with Dyabilities Education Act is a law that allows children a free appropriate education, thought the nation. This act also governs how states and public agencies provide early interventions, to infants, toddlers, and youth with disabilities. This was the original year that it started but from there many amendments have happened making more progress for children in this field. -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The No Child Left Behind Act requires schools to establish learning standards, and create assessments (standardized tests) to measure the progress of each student in reading and math in return they get federal funds. They also need to report to the public what there scores are -
Every Student Succeeds Act
Advanced equality protecting high need students, This for the 1st time put in high academic standards helping them to succeed further in life. Statewide assessments and that information would be provided to all. Investing in high quality preschool. Holding schools accountable. Helping to support innovation, and evidence based programs.