Mandatory Attendence Law
In 1918 a federal law was put in place making attedning school mandatory. Required attendence improved the education as a whole in the states. Mandatory may vary state to state, but is still used as a means to improve education -
World War One
When WWI ended, the U.S. army demanded a method to measure students abilities in the most efficient way. Therefore, standardized testing was put in place in order to do so. Standardized testing has continued use today. -
School Bus Standards Established
Frank W. Cyr conducted a conference about transportation of students. The conclusion made after deliberation was the concept of the yellow school bus. Which when school is brought up, many make the connection to the yellow school bus today. -
National School Lunch Program
Free and reduced lunches are introduced into schools for studetns who are from low income. Providing meals allowed for a better learning environment. Many schools have established better meal programs after this. -
Invention of the White board
Up until the 1990's almost all schools used chalkboards for lessons. The invention of the White board or Dry erase board was spearheaded by the demand for a method that would replace chalk dust. Now, almost all schools use White Boards.