Historical Timeline TED 200

  • The National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education

    Introduction of vocational education in the public school system. Adding vocational training to already academically advanced students decreased job training costs and increased revenue. It also allowed for low-income and immigrant students to receive education and prepare them for a career.
  • World War I

    During world War I, the military created efficient and fast testing that could test general intellect on a large group of people simultaneously. These military tests became what many intelligent tests are based on today and are used for a variety of age groups. Standardized testing is one by-product of the ending of World War I. It is also cost effective.
  • The Great Depression

    Works Progress Administration and the Public Works Administration built schools to accommodate multiple class sized and age groups. The Works Progress Administration also provided financial aid to schools for teachers, supplies and food for students. Work study programs were also created.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    The conclusion of Brown v. Board of Education was that separate is not equal and that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional and violates the 14th Amendment. This ruling promoted racial equality and the desegregation of public schools began.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act.

    The No Child Left Behind Act, was set in place to ensure accountability of schools and to close the achievement gap through standardized testing. This Act was set to create equal educational opportunities for low-income and disadvantaged students and to hold educators and school districts accountable.