Historical timeline on ecology and sustainability milestones

  • Charles Darwing publishes "The Origin of Species"

    as the basis of the theory of evolution
  • Ernst Haeckel introduces the term ecology

    derived from the Greek Oikos (home) and logos (study)
  • Creation of the Covadonga Mountain National Park (Picos de Europa National Park)

  • First International Conference on Nature Conservation

  • Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring

    showing the negative effects of pesticides on the environment
  • Creation of the IUCN Red List for Threatened Species

  • Creation of Friends of the Earth

  • Celebration of the First Earth Day

  • Greenpeace Creation in Vancouver

  • United Nations Environment Conference (Stockholm)

  • Law on National Parks in Spain (Law 5/1980)

    Creation of the Doñana National Park (a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1980) and the Tablas de Daimiel National Park
  • Spain's accession to the EU and commitment to comply with European environmental protection regulations

  • Brundtland report

    Introduction of the concept of Sustainable Development
  • Montreal Treaty for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

    seeking to phase out ozone-depleting chemicals
  • Spanish's National Plan for the Protection of Endangered Species and Biodiverity Nature Conservation Law

    In Spain, the National Plan for the Protection of Endangered Species (Iberian lynx, brown bear and black vulture) and the Nature Conservation Law are created for the conservation of biodiversity in Spain, creating the concept of "protected natural areas"
  • Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro), establishment of Agenda 21 and Convention on Climate Change to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect biodiversity

  • Creation of La Via Campesina organization

    to seek a sustainable agricultural system, based on food sovereignty, respect for biodiversity and the responsible use of natural resources
  • Kyoto Protocol

    to Reduce the Planet's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg

    where global commitments to halt biodiversity loss are ratified
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Recognizing Scientific Efforts to Assess Climate Change and Its Consequences
  • Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth (Bolivia) World Summit on Biodiversity in Nagoya, Japan

    Global commitments for biodiversity conservation and access to genetic resources
  • Sign of the Pact for Biodiversity (Spain)

    a commitment by the government, autonomous communities and conservation organizations to stop the loss of biodiversity and improve the management of ecosystems
  • Paris Agreement 2015

    UN Climate Summit to limit global temperature rise to less than 2°C
  • Spanish's Climate Change and Energy Transition Law

    includes measures for adaptation to climate change and the protection of biodiversity, such as the restoration of ecosystems and the protection of natural areas
  • World Biodiversity Summit. COP15 (Montreal Canada)

    Countries adopt the Global Biodiversity Framework (2022-2030) to halt biodiversity loss and re-establish key ecosystems