Historical timeline landmarks cases

By keimone
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    The racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional, this law help to integrate America's public school but it also helps to bring many changes to different areas of the public domain
    - in the ending of this was " separate but equal"
    this law support students with disabilities, it helps to have access to a free appropriate public education for children with special needs.
  • P.A.R.C v. Pennsylvania- Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    This landmark case help to have equal rights of education for everyone even students with disability. The child is due to education inside of a school setting. All students who are mentally retarded should benefit in a program with education the same as others. Each child would be placed in a program with education to the child's needs and it would be free. A framework for FAPE & IDEA as well.(Forte Law Group)
  • Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia

    In this case, it focuses on the students that have a disability with behavioral, mental, & emotional problems this case helps them from being denied in public education.
    Ruling that no child is being denied from education based on their illness. the court order plan with many elements that The IDEA & IEP plays a role in this case. the court ordered the board to adopt a detailed remedial plan in order to ensure that the children received their right to equal protection under the law.
  • Board of Education V. Rowley - Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley

    U.S. Supreme Court case in favor of the interpretation of handicapped student's acts of 1975. Based on Amy Rowley she was deaf and her school refused to give her sign language interpreter. this has 2 parts to the test to decide if a school has provided FAPE as required by IDEA. they said it wasn't necessary for Amy. the case changed the way that courts take a gander at all specialized curriculum cases. The courts must pose the accompanying inquiries:
  • Honig v. Doe

    The Honig choice is a milestone case in which the U.S. Preeminent Court managed the issue of ousting a handicapped kid dependent on activities emerging out of that kid's inability. In Honig, the Court decided that a school area may not singularly prohibit or remove a handicapped youngster from the study hall setting for risky or troublesome direct becoming out of their inabilities.