8500 BCE
Very early religious and tribal dance rituals
2750 BCE
Egyptian ritual dramas
600 BCE
Beginnings of Greek Theatre
Period: 534 BCE to Jan 1, 900
Considered Classical Period
500 BCE
Comedy competitions in Greece
449 BCE
First acting competition in City Dionysia Festival
365 BCE
First Roman theatrical theatre
Period: 240 BCE to 200 BCE
Comedy by Plautus and Livius Andronicus performed in Rome
80 BCE
First Roman amphitheater constructed in city of Pompeii
Miming emerges, allows woman to perform as mimes
Plays begin to be religious and funded by the church
Period: Jan 1, 900 to Jan 1, 1500
Considered Medieval Period
Jan 1, 925
First origins of Medieval theatre
Jan 1, 1204
Religious dramas begin to be performed outside of church settings
Jan 1, 1375
First European-english plays take off
Jan 1, 1564
William Shakespeare born
Shakespeare writes Romeo and Juliet
First playhouse in New York
Origins of the "well-made" play
Birth of Realism
Period: to
Considered Modern Style
Birth of "Epic Theatre"
Tennessee Williams
Samuel Beckett Born
A Raisin in the Sun
Period: to
Considered Contemporary Style
Caryl Churchill