Historical Timeline for Education

  • Brown vs. Broad of Education

    Brown vs. Broad of Education
    Paved the way for Civil Rights, created "seperated but equal educational facilities", and overturned plessy vs. Ferugson.
  • Sputnik lauched into space

    Sputnik lauched into space
    Soviet Union started the space race by being the to launch a satalite into space.
  • Elementary and Secondary Act

    Elementary and Secondary Act
    Provided federal funds to states, amended in 1966, the Office of Special Educaton (OSEP) was created, and federal funds were provided for childern.
  • Neil Armstrong

    Neil Armstrong
    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon
  • Education for All Handicapped Children

    Education for All Handicapped Children
    Created free and approiate education (6-21), Stronger parental rights, amd created the Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    The first installment of the famous Star Wars franchise was written and directed by Georgre Lucas.
  • Amercians with Disabilites Act

    Amercians with Disabilites Act
    Enforced civil rights, protected from discrimination, and had Universal Design implemented in public establishments and jobs.
  • Americans with Disbilites Education Act

     Americans with Disbilites Education Act
    Dealt with zero rejects, approriate free public education, procedural safeguards, parental participation was encouraged, had more non-discriminatory evalutions, and enforce less restrictive environments.
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    Bill Clinton is Elected the 42nd president of the United States.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Increased the academic achievement for all public school students,Improved the performance of low-performing schools, and required schools to adopt scientifcally based instructional practices
  • ReAuthorization of the Individuals With Disabilites Act

    This act was aligned with the No Child Left Behind Act, concest for services, enforced discipline, required highly-qualified teachers, and focused on specific disabilites.