Historical Timeline:Colonization, Settlement, and Communities

  • Jamestown established

    In 1607, 104 English men and boys arrived in North America to start a settlement. On May 13 they picked Jamestown, Virginia for their settlement, which was named after their King, James I. The settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America. Settlement had been established,colonization planted as a seed
  • Period: to

    Colonization, settlement and communities

  • Captain left to get supplies for new settlement

    On June 22, Captain Newport left for England to get more supplies for the new settlement. this event is significant because if they hadnt gotten more supplies they very well couldnt have survived, possibly prolonging or even ending the seed of colonization
  • Indigenous Peoples Bring colonist supplies

    Indigenous people bring maize, beans, squash, and meat to Jamestown. Years later they are desimated by diseases from the colonists as a result. Another seed watering moment for colonists, if they never received supplies they could have disappeared
  • Pocohantus captured

    Pocohantus is captured by captain Samuel Argall in the first anglo powhatan war/ While captive she learns to speak english and "converts" to christianity and is given the name Rebecca. This event is important becauses its true history needs to be told, she was a captive who had to learn english and convert to christianity
  • 1616 small pox epidemic

    Small pox dessimates Native American population in England. This event is significant because a small population dessimates due to disease brought to them by colonist
  • Peace Treaty

    One of this first treaties between colonists and Native americans is signed as Plymouth Pilgrims enact a peace with Wampaneog Tribe with the aide of squanto a english speaking native amerian
  • Powhatan War begins

    Following initial Peaceful relations in Virginia 12 year conflict left many natives and colonists dead. Event is significant due to many casualties on both ends
  • Pequot War

    In conneticut and Rhode island eventually destroyed 600-700 natives the remainder were sold in slavery in Bermuda. Many native american lives were lost, furthering the affect of colonization
  • Peqout war ends

    600-700 natives american deaths resulted. Ends in Selling the rest to slaver
  • Yamasee War

    Occured in Southern carolina and came close to exterminating white settlements
  • Masacre of native american families

    Upon hearing of french and indian attack, Europeons massacred several indigenous families in their wigwams at Walden in The Hudson River Valley
  • Slave Trader sends letter about slaves

    Indian Slave trader sent a letter to the South Carolina Govener J. Glenn asking for permission to use one group of Indians to fight another "We want no pay, only what we can take and plunder and what slaves we take to be our own
  • Scalp Act

    Govenor Robert Morris the pennsylvania colonial govenor declared war on the Delaware and Shawnee Indians. Included in his war declaration was "The Scalp Act" which put a bounty on the scalps of Indian men, women and boys
  • First Indian Reservation established

    First Indian reservation established in North America by New Jersey Colonial Assembly
  • Indians Tried for witchcraft

    Govenor Thomas Velez Cachupin had several native americans living in New Mexico tried for witch craft sometimes after 1762. They were condemned into servitude.
  • Warfare against british west of Niagara

    In May of 1763 Ottawa Indians under Chief Pontiac began all out warfare against the British west of Niagara, New York. They destroyed several british forts and conducted a siege at Detroit Michigan. They were defeated by Pontiacs forces and hostitilies between Britissh and Pontiac continued.
  • Proclamation

    The Proclamation of 1763 signed by King Geoge 3 of England prohibits any English settlement west of Appalachian Mountains and requires those already settled in those regions to return east to ease tensions with Native Americans
  • compensation for settlers

    An organization compensating settlers for losses resulting from Indian raids created by Indian Commissioner Sir William Johnson
  • 20 Peaceful Susquehannock murdered

    IN response to Pontiacs Rebellion 20 peaceful Susquehannock were murdered by a group called the Paxton Boys in Pennsylvania. Innocent lives lost to colonist
  • The only 14 surviving Conestoga Native americans

    Murdered by a troop of 50 armed med that entered the workhouse at Lancaster Pennsylvania and hacked to death. Significant event due to innocent lives lost.