Education In The Colonial Period
1600’s Education in the colonial period: Public school existed only in New England. The Puritans who migrated to England established many universities and educational systems. -
Impact of Jeffereson, Rush & Webster
in this time, they were suggesting that the women get educated exquisitely rather than the men. They wanted the ladies of the lands to be educated properly. -
Common School
MOST IMPORTANT: The Common School time period was the building block for American Education. This is significant because it is still in effect today. We have public schools all around us. The common school in the 1830’s started better education and structure for the kids in that time period. Before the common school era, kids were mainly being taught by everyday life rather than in a classroom with a teacher.
Link: www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Common_School_Movement.aspx -
Horace Mann
MOST IMPORTANT: Horace Mann helped to set standards for teachers and the credentials they must have in order to teach. This is also still impacting todays education because up until a couple of weeks ago teachers had to have a specialized teaching degree in order to teach in the classroom. Now, you just have to have a Bachelors Degree to be qualified to teach in the school system.
Link: www.study.com/academy/lesson/Horace-mann-education-reform-contributions-philosophy-quiz.html -
Committe of Ten
This was a group of 10 educators that worked together to make the high school curriculum and the standards associated with it. -
Impact of John Dewey
He believed in more of a self-based way of learning. For example, he believed that learning occurs inside and outside of the classroom and that students should through interdisciplinary curriculum be able to build their own path of learning connecting different subjects together and sorting them in the child’s mind, the child’s way. -
Secondary School Movement
This was a movement set in place to separate the grades and we started building more secondary schools to accommodate the incoming students. The secondary schools upped the graduation rates over time to what they are today -
Progressive Reform
Before this era, students were minimally educated. Really, only until they felt they were ready for the real world. The progressive era changed that for men especially. Women and minorities rarely went to high school or college. During this era, they realized how vital education was to keep America moving forward. -
Impact of WWII
The start of World War two made it to where the Progressive Reform and everything that the education system was working toward had to be postponed due to the need for soldiers in the war, funding purposes, and various other reasons. This effected and set back education. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
MOST IMPORNTANT: This is significant still today and is continually impacting our school systems. We have grown so much as a country when it comes to racism and I truly believe that Mr. Brown is the one who started it all. He was able to achieve his goal of non-segregated public schools. This is still affecting school today because we are combine. No matter your color or racial background which is amazing.
Link: www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
MOST IMPORTANT: This act is significant because it gave the secondary and elementary schools the funding and means they needed to keep progressing and flourishing. This helped motivate the teachers and leaders of the school to make an astounding educational environment for the children to learn in.
Link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/elementary_and_Secondary_Education_Act.com -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
Known in 1975 as the Education of handicapped Children Act. Throughout the years, amendments have been passed adding to the act. This act ensures that students with disabilities will have special, free services given to them in their education to address their individual needs. -
A Nation at Risk
Speech talking about how education has lost its power and diligence. No one was motivated during that time to further their education or to further society. The speech was saying how that must change or we are in trouble. -
No Child Left Behind Act
An act passed that established more standardize testing, more emphasis on importance of teacher qualifications and students seriousness to their education. This act also included more Title 1 opportunities to disadvantaged students. -
Every Child Succeeds Act
MOST IMPORNANT: to me, this is most significant right now because this is what we are dealing with today in education. We need to know and keep up on what’s going on in the education field even if we don’t agree with. This Act is replacing the "No Child Left Behind Act". It is building key elements to attempt to make education better.
Link: www.ed.gov/essa?src=rn