Historical Timeline

  • The Establishment of Public Schools - 1647

    The Establishment of Public Schools - 1647
    In 1647, it was decreed by the Massachusetts Bay Colony that every town of fifty families shall have elementary education available. It also declared that every town of 100 families to have a Latin grammar school. Due to the values of the time period, this was put in place so that children were to learn to read the Bible and learn basic education regarding their Calvinist religion. This establishment is key, marking the very beginning of public education in the United States.
  • The Land Ordinance of 1785

    The Land Ordinance of 1785
    This law mandated in 1785, ordered that western territories be divided into townships, with a section in each designated for the support of public schools. The Continental Congress, before the ratification of the US Constitution, passed this law, giving "land grants" to lay the foundation for the US system of grant universities.
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling - 1954

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling - 1954
    Brown v. Board of Education was a pivotal Supreme Court case. The justices unanimously ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. This ruling was significance in the civil rights movement declaring that "separate-but-equal" schooling was not equal. The case moved the country forward, promoting a fair educational system regardless of race/ethnicity.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act - 1965

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act - 1965
    This Act is a significant federal law that aimed to enhance educational opportunities for children from low-income families by providing significant financial support for public education. Originally set to be effective until 1970, the Act has been consistently reauthorized every five years to uphold its mission of supporting primary and secondary education, ensuring that disadvantaged students from disadvantaged backgrounds receive the resources they need.
  • No Child Left Behind Act - 2001

    No Child Left Behind Act - 2001
    This Act, signed into law by President George W. Bush reauthorizing the Elementary Secondary Education Act of 1965. It required annual testing in reading and math, increasing school accountability, and imposing penalties for underperformance, implementing penalties for those not meeting progress goals.