Historical Timeline

  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson, along with many other constitutional cases, was a landmark constitutional law case of the US Supreme Court. Separate but equal was a decision made by the US Supreme Court which continued to uphold the state of Louisiana racial segregation law that made all pubic facilities such as restrooms and schools.
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement begins

  • Brown vs. Board (1954)

    Brown vs. Board (1954)
    The 14th Amendment was deemed unconstitutional by the United States government. As a result the courts ruled that "Education as a right must be available to everyone. This ruling over turned "Plessy vs. Ferguson" Separate but, equal court ruling of 1896.
  • PARC vs. Commonwealth of PA

    PARC vs. Commonwealth of PA
    In 1972 the Federal Government used this 1972 Pennsylvania decree to make it mandatory for the Department of Education to provide a public education for all children. This included children with any disability the opportunity to be attend public school, at the cost of the US. Government, not the child's parents.