Grammar Schools
Law required towns with 50 households to pay for a teacher and towns with at least 100 had to set up a grammar school. This helped start the schooling system and get families to put their children into schools. It would only evolve from here. -
Attend School
The states passed a law which would require students to attend school. This helped because it stated kids needed to go to school and that would help get the schools started and have more children attend. -
President Johnson, as part of the Civil Rights Act and the “War on Poverty” passed the ESEA Act. This helped children ages three to five with cognitive and social development for school success. This is something that helped children succeed in school and be ready for school. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
The Education for All Handicapped Children Act gave the right to disabled students to be able to be assisted in school. This was a big step because before this act children with disabilities didn’t get the education and assistance in school that they needed. This act helped them get the assistance they needed along with an individualized education program and special education services. -
Virtual Education
Virtual education became more popular and helped start the on0line learning environment. This will help students in many ways to learn more and get a variety of learning. Also, this helps reduce costs for schools when online classes are being offered. This is something that continues to grow to this day.