The Creation of the First American Normal School
Normal schools allowed for many different people to become educated in how to teach children. This in turn allowed for more school to open up and provided an education to many children in America starting with wealthy Caucasian males and later expanding to allow everyone to experience an equal learning environment. -
The Great Depression
The Great Depression era cause many children who were not formally attending school on a regular basis to start. At this time money was given to the schools to hire more teachers and provide free hot lunches. Many families also couldn't afford to keep their children at home, so sending them to school gave them a place to be and made sure their children got at least one meal a day. This started to normalize attending school on a regular bases for the future. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Bored of Education paved the path the public school system needed in order to teach children in an equal environment. Today most all schools are completely desegregated and try to fully commit to an equal standing for all. The only way to live in an equal-for-all society is to raise our children with those beliefs, and that started with doing away with unnecessary segregation. To teach the younger generation that we are all one, is how it will live on in that light. -
Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web
The creation of the World Wide Web opened up many doors in education that before the time, were unimaginable. Not only did this allow for many different educational tools and breakthroughs to occur in the classrooms but it also made education more accessible by providing online schooling. This allows for children who struggle from mental or physical illnesses, as well as many others, to be able to receive a complete education from the comfort of their living situation. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act created the start of the standards that we still see placed in schools. It's controversial for what is seen as the "right way" to make sure that children are all given the same educational care, but the No Child Left Behind Act gave us our first look at what we need to do to try and ensure that we are paying attention to every child that comes into the classroom.