Girls Education
When education first became known, it was something mainly for the males to accomplish. Females in the family were to tend to their house chores and teach the young girls in the family how to cook and sew. Only if the parents allowed this, girls were able to attend different schools, based on their lifestyle.This was a huge step in women gaining a sense of freedom and having the chance to be more than a housewife in the future. Being a women myself, I am grateful for this change in history. -
"Ye Olde Deluder Satan" Law
After the legislation in 1642 in Massachusetts failed through its population, this law in 1647 came in to action. The way I see it this law was the beginning for education. Even though education began from the dust of religion and was focused on only wealthy, white males. It was a stepping stone for human population to discover more in life and to be more. No matter the reasoning for people believing why education was important, it still allowed children to learn more and not be foolish. -
Women Teachers
From the beginning of education, it was men who taught the lessons and boys who attended school. During the 1800's was when women were first given the opportunity to become teachers. This historical moment for education has further extended its professionalism to female population, creating many jobs. If it were not for this time in history, where men knew women were better suited to teach younger children, education would not be where it is today without the opinion from a woman. -
Other Schools
After many centuries of schools for only white males and wealthy families, there finally came a time where "other schools" were created to provide education to African Americans. This is an important time for education, because there were so many ex-slaves and immigrants coming to America. With the chance to be educated that opened up many new opportunities for many families. -
Brown v. Board of Education
This case helped end segregation in schools. If this was not the case, there would be many of the same problems still occurring today. This change in education has helped form freedom for many people, but also a chance for the human population to grow as one with the same opportunities. With the ending of segregation, also ended for the most part the unfair treatments African Americans were receiving when it came to their chance to earn an education. They were given the same education.